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My stomach's still churning, but I feel better now that I've decided not to fall for Shannon and Amanda's trick

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My stomach's still churning, but I feel better now that I've decided not to fall for Shannon and Amanda's trick.

The drunk fishermen are starting to wander off, and as soon as Al and Bob are shoved into the patrol car, I head back inside.

Tables and chairs are everywhere. Broken dishes are scattered across the floor.

"Wow." I scan the now empty, destroyed restaurant and let out a long breath.

"Yep." Mateo's already picking up chairs and has the broom out.

That's nice of him. Technically, cleaning up the front of the house is my job.

Keith is gonna be pissed. But... he can't blame me. Can he?

I walk over to the booth I was cleaning before the fight broke out. Three pictures have fallen off the wall, and there's glass everywhere. "How'd they manage this?"

Mateo rolls in his eyes and shrugs.

"What do you think Keith...?"

"Oh, don't worry. The boss won't blame me or you for this. I won't let him." Mateo gives me a small smile. "Those guys have been wrecking the place for years."

I swallow hard, nodding, trying to feel better about it. "I just don't know how to keep them from doing"—I wave my hand around—"this... if I'm not allowed to cut them off."

"It's not your rule, and this isn't your fault," Mateo says firmly.

I bite down on my lip. "I was trying to slow them down. And then it got so busy for a while there..."

"Yeah, chica. We were slammed! But you got the orders right, and we got them out on time. If anyone complains—I've got your back. You did great tonight, and I'm gonna make sure Keith knows it. Don't worry."

I pick up the broom and meet his eyes, trying to convey all the gratitude I'm feeling. "Thanks. Seriously."

He winks at me. "I think we got a good reason to close early, don't you?"

I perk up. "What time is it?"

"Eleven thirty."

I nod. Early, then. Mateo's in charge of deciding when to close, and we can close early if we're empty. That almost never happens on a Friday night. But I wouldn't mind heading home after the night I've had.

Or... checking out a bonfire at the beach.

Forget it!

"I'm calling it." Mateo walks to the front door, locks it, and flips the sign to Closed. "We're done for the night. Keith can take it up with me if he thinks we should've stayed open."

"Early night, then," I say lamely.

He gives me a grin, and we get started on the cleaning and closing duties. We work in silence, like usual. But he helps me with the dining area for a long while before heading back to close up the kitchen. I'm lucky he's the assistant manager, and I believe him when he says he'll stand up for me. He's been working here for years, and our boss seems to respect him.

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