23| Epilouge

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For the rest of Junior year we dated. It was rocky and hard, and Coach didn't like it but I was happy.

In the summer we went up to his parents house and I met his mom. She's the nicest person. His dad seemed to like me but it was his younger sister who fangirled over me. It was quite funny.

I remember is so well...

"Reece... Are you aware that Olympic nominee Alina Bardot is your girlfriend?" she said looking like she might faint.

Reece turned to look at me. "Oh no thanks Hannah. It's nice to meet you." he shook my hand very formally. Hannah shoved him and talked my ear off the whole trip.

Reece had to keep reminding her of personal boundaries. I honestly didn't mind.

I asked Reece not to tell his parents about the money and he didn't.

After we got back we had a run-in with Danny. But he had a new girlfriend. I couldn't help but laugh when Reece looked like he was about to kill him. I had to reassure him he had nothing to worry about. Multiple times. That night...

The rest of the summer spent in bliss. Senior year starts in less than a week and he wanted us to share a room but Hali begged me to room with her one last time.

He, reluctantly, was rooming with Tucker, Caspian and Callum. His words not mine, "I love my friends but they're so nosy." After that he said something about us living together that was not very PG.

Hali was still hiding her secret boyfriend. I tried prying it out of her multiple times but she changed the subject.

The rest of the money my dad gave me was put into a saving account. I hadn't seen my parents since the night of their party. And was actually ok with it.

I had tried to stay away from Laurie as much as possible during the summer. But mom and dad had invited Reece and I to a dinner the friday after school started.

I may claim I have the flu or malaria.

I lay on Reece's bed snuggled up next to him watching Titanic. When it got to the part, 'Paint me like one of your french girls, Jack.' Reece looked over at me and said, "Ohhhhh I get in now." I just laughed and snuggled in closer to him.

Life was good. Except for the fact that my best friend was lying to me...

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now