Something Wicked

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Chapter 21

Pete is sitting alone at the table when I get out of the shower.

"Hey," he says, looking briefly in my direction after I shut the bathroom door. He's gingerly setting out an array of objects on the table, most of which look like chemistry beakers and tools, thrown in with some intricately designed bottles and utensils.

"Hey." I move to sit opposite him, continuing to towel-dry my hair as I watch him meticulously arrange several small, black velvet bags in a row.

"We brought food." Pete points with his chin to several bagged sandwiches tossed into a pile by the hotel phone. "It's not much, but it's all Damien could make in the time that we had."

I'm practically drooling by the time I grab one and shed the bag. A rush of relief washes over me after the first bite into the food. Never has a tuna sandwich tasted so freaking good.

"So, what happened to you this morning?" I manage to say between bites.

He frowns, focusing on his fingers as he straightens out a bundle of white sage. "What do you mean?"

"We had a breakfast date. Eight o'clock at the cafe, after my skate practice?" I take another gulp of tuna and wheat bread.

"Oh, man! I'm sorry, Shell! I was up all night with Ollie, and we didn't fall asleep until like seven AM."


He shoots me a look that says 'that's not what I meant', before flipping his attention back to the object in his hand.

"Well," I crumple the empty zip-lock and toss it into the bin at my feet, "you missed quite the spectacle."

"Yeah, Beck told us about the-" He makes an elaborate hand gesture to match his explosion noise. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I inhale, catching the light scent of sage and cedar bark. "Whoever said that redheads have fiery spirits, I don't think they meant it literally."

Reflexively, I look down at my hands in my lap. To be honest, I'm not sure what I expect to find when I look at them. They're no longer charred or covered in coal-like residue. Really, they're just pale and slightly pruned from the long, hot shower I just finished, but they're still mine.

The slider door to the balcony squeals open, blowing a gust of freezing air that sticks to my damp skin. I shiver as Olivian stomps into the room and grumbles something that sounds like a string of curses.

Beck comes in behind her, locking the door and leaning against the wall in the corner. His expression is caught between fury and sorrow, and whichever it is, I feel like it's partly my doing.

Quickly, Olivian glides over to the table and claims the chair beside Pete. She takes a quick glance to assess the contents on the table and twists her lips into a smile. "Alright, so I think we have everything for the spell."

Pete shakes his head. "Almost! All we need now is a personal item from everyone to attach the spell to."

I slam my back into my chair, arms crossed in front of me, as a heavy leaden feeling sinks in my gut. "Is this what you guys were doing last night? Practicing magic?"

Olivian gives me a coy grin opposite of Pete's guilt-ridden frown. I want to be mad at him, furious even, for working with her despite her resistance to help me, but I can't. I'm more disappointed that she has been willing to teach him and yet berate me for asking any questions at all. This alone reiterates that there are some bitter feelings between us and it's obvious that they all stem from my strange relationship with Beck.

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