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I headed down to the tavern again, needing to buy some more coffee beans. Vampires took to coffee with the same vigor they did to blood. Although, I feel like it was Arthur who had single-handedly drained our coffee resources.

I waited as the bartender went to get the beans, and I didn't think much of it as someone settled into the seat beside me.

"Hey." My blood ran cold. I turned to face him, jumping out of my seat as I stared into Charles' face. He pouted. "I'm offended. I wasn't going to do anything to you."

"Then what are you doing here?" I didn't trust him.

"I came for a drink." Yeah, I spend most of my time here with Arthur and I've never once seen him here. "Although, I suppose there's something else I should tell you." He paused, and that achieved the effect he wanted—I could hear my own heartbeat. "Seren is with Faust."

And here, I got what is commonly known as a heart attack. "What? Why?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, but it can't be any good," he hummed. "They're probably at Lord Voivode's castle. Perhaps you ought to—"

I didn't stop to hear the rest of the sentence. Abandoning the coffee beans and my sanity, I ran out of the tavern, seeing Seren's bought happiness vanishing before my eyes.


"Well, she was in a hurry," said Charles, as the bartender handed him a drink. The bartender picked up the coffee beans and stared at them as if he were at a loss as to what to do with them.

"Hey," said another voice. Charles turned to see another man with brown hair and stunning sky-blue eyes looking down at him. "What did you say to that woman just now? She looked like she was running for her life."

"Well, she wasn't exactly running for her life," said Charles, setting down his drink. "But I don't think that's any of your business.

Theo grabbed him by the front of his shirt, but Charles just smiled. "Don't play with me, dammit," Theo snarled.

"Theodorus! Don't fight in the tavern!" called the bartender.

Theo's glare moved to land on the bartender, who hid behind his counter. "Tsk." Theo let Charles go, and with a final glance at him, walked out of the tavern.

Somewhere far away, Shakespeare had heard from his teary crew member that Seren had gone missing, and he had a feeling he knew what had happened. Not sparing a second to think twice, he headed back to the chapel.

"My lord!" he called as he entered. "Did you kidnap the child?"

"Me?" asked Vlad, who looked as if he had been waiting for Shakespeare. "Not at all. It was Faust."

Shakespeare clenched his fist, powerless against a greater vampire.

"But this works out in your favor, doesn't it?" asked Vlad, gently filling the chapel with his humming. Shakespeare bowed and headed out, just as Charles walked in.

"Lin's gone after Seren," he said. "I suggest you see the scene of a powerless child protecting another powerless child against a vampire she's deathly afraid of." He headed in, leaving William with a moment's pause. He hailed a carriage, deciding there was no time to second-guess his decisions.

"To Comte de Saint-Germain's mansion."

Will's arrival was spotted by Sebastian, who quickly gathered the rest of the residents. It was unlike him to come by without prior notice after all. When everyone had gathered in the drawing room—Comte looking serene but tensed at the same time—Will confessed what had happened, and told them where Lin had gone.

Theo grabbed the front of Will's shirt, his eyes maniacal.

"Theo, stop it!" said Vincent, as Arthur pulled Theo back.

"Let go of me! Didn't you hear him! Hondje—" Theo stopped as he stared in surprise at the expression on Arthur's face.

Comte stood up. "I suggest we put blames on halt and instead find her." His eyes moved to Shakespeare, staring at him without judgement. "Lead the way to the castle."


I hopped into a carriage and headed to the place where everything started—Vlad's castle. I won't lie and say I was okay. I was terrified. And Seren would be even more so.

I walked through the castle gates and the main door, surprised when no one appeared to stop me. The castle seemed barren. The only sound I heard was the distant tune of a lullaby that sounded suspiciously like Vlad's voice. I kept walking, until I heard a child crying. Looking into the room, I saw Faust standing over a child who was bawling his eyes out on the floor. Seren seemed unhurt, but Faust looked irritated—I suppose because Seren was crying.

"Seren!" I called. Faust turned, his expression showed disinterest, as if he had already expected I would show up. Seren's eyes brightened as I ran to him. He threw his arms around me, sniffling and sobbing the whole time. "What did the bad man do to you?"

Faust's eyebrow twitched. "Bad man?"

"He kidnapped me!"

I turned to Faust, who still looked affronted. "You don't need us humans. Can't you let us leave?"

"Are you sure I have no need for humans?" he said as his glasses glinted. I bit my lip.

He was a vampire.


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