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ARA DEFINITELY KNEW SHE HAD it coming. After what she did to F4s leader, Thyme, with the whole milk incident. There was absolutely no way she wasn't going to recieve the red card and become the new victim of the sick game. And if she really didn't get it, then they'd certainly find another way to punish Ara and make her life a living hell.

Naree was absolutely livid when she found out what Ara had done. But more than that, she blamed herself for not warning Ara earlier about the F4 group and their sick red card game. She was worrier for Ara and asked her to stay on the low for a couple days just to be safe, but even though a big part of her wanted to do that, she knew she couldn't run and hide forever, not with this group of people.

Don't get Ara wrong, she was very freaked out about the whole thing, especially after the whole confrontation that had went down. But another part of her was also proud for helping the girl that may have become a victim to licking Thymes shoes for their accidental run in had Ara decided to not step up, and she knew that even if she were warned, she still would've done what she did that day in the cafeteria.

So she decided to simply face what awaited for her. It's not like she really had anything else left to lose given that she'd died in the original world that she came from. All she could really do was make do with what she had in this new world as Mayura.

Surely enough, when Ara had arrived at school the following day and headed towards her locker, there stood the stupidly bright red card, perched upon the front part of her shelf, ontop of a stack of books.

It was clear that everyone else around her had definitely seen it and had known it was to come, but simply awaited for the conformation of it, so that they could go ahead and do whatever it was that they wanted with her. This is because as soon as everyone found out about Ara being the new victim, they wasted no time in abusing the new power and opportunity they had.

Being the chosen target wasn't as bad as Ara had thought it would be to be honest. She thought as the first girl chosen for the red card, the students wouldn't hold back and would retaliate with physical bullying. But the most they did to her throughout the morning was lure her towards some old closet, with stacks of cleaning supplies on shelfs and lock her in it.

Which took Ara a while to get herself out of — probably a good forty minutes of consistently picking the lock from inside, but when she finally managed to unlock it and open the door, she could not be more grateful. Ofcourse, the whole ordeal definitely took her long than anticipated and made her much later than she hoped she'd be for her first class of the day with her very strict teacher, Ms. Wang, but it's not like she could really do anything about it.

So Ara simply rushed to her class. She couldn't let any of the students know that their actions effected her because that would only give them a power boost and make them want to act worse.

Upon arriving ofcourse, Ms. Wang wasted no time in calling her out infront of everyone, "You're late Miss Wong."

Ara nodded, avoiding eye contact with the dozen eyes watching her every move, "Sorry. I got occupied."

Ms. Wang nodded, not wanting her interruption to further affect the class in any way, "Have a seat and open your book to the following chapters." she said as she turned on her heel and headed back towards the from.

Ara nodded and quickly made her way towards her seat, which was now completely vandalized with horrible messages from people Ara knew were none other than her very classmates.

If their snickering upon Aras reaction to the words she was reading, weren't a clear indication of this fact then the fact that most of then had ink on their hands that were identical to the ink on her desk was a clear indication of this.

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