box 42

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[The next morning]

"We aren't sure when he'll wake up. The doctors managed to get him stable last night but there wasn't very much that we could do for him. I'm sorry I can't tell you more."

"No, it's alright. Thank you." Nighteye gave the nurse a short bow before joining Aizawa and Mirio in the hallway. Nearly twenty-fours passed since the fight and there still hasn't been any sign of Zihao waking up. They couldn't find any injuries other than his leg, back and a concussion they believe he received when he fell backwards. With significant blood loss there wasn't much they could do without Recovery girl. None of the doctors could find a suitable match for his blood type, every time they tried his body would reject the oxygen in the blood.

No visitors were allowed inside the room other than Sir Nighteye and Aizawa, even then a curtain separated them from him. The students stayed overnight in separate rooms to have minor injuries checked and to see if they suffered from any other issues. Thankfully no one else on the team had any complications; Tamaki received treatment for his injuries the day of the raid. Everyone else seemed to only suffer from exhaustion. 

Mirio and Aizawa sat outside the hospital room with their heads hung low. Neither of them got enough sleep last night. The feeling that they could've done something more kept eating away at their conscious. Aizawa regretted his decision to leave Zihao with Nighteye when he could've done it instead. He kept trying to tell himself that his quirk was vital to the mission, but that didn't change how he felt. Mirio's mind constantly replayed the scene of Zihao being impaled. The sight of the arrow travelling into his body will forever be etched into his mind. But he knew if he wanted to continue to be a hero, he would have to grow unsensitive to those sights. 

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