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So I've been thinking that it would be really stinkin cute if you guys drew your own doodles of what you imagined Adelaide's drawings to look like. I wanna publish a chapter just for those pictures SO I NEED YOUR HELP !!

If you want to do it for fun and send it to my email address, I would love to publish and give you credit for it ! (I will attach email user below)

You do not have to be an artist to participate. Adelaide was literally a doodler. If you chose to do this, just have fun w/ it!
If you want to be extra and go all out that works for me too (;

I am going to copy & paste all the doodle descriptions here:

It was the classroom we were in now. I drew Mr. Pennded at his desk behind a book he was reading. He didn't have a regular looking head, instead I replaced it with a bowling pin. I skipped over everyone else in the room and drew the desk the two of us were sitting at. I was there, a stick figure with a dress, and Tristan was sitting next to me, with a frowny face. I wrote my name over the stick figure with the dress and wrote "Grumpy" on the top of Tristan's.

I drew us at the party on Friday night. Of course, I was in my little stick figure dress and a smile was drawn on my face. I included Walter in the picture, but he was a gorilla with steam coming out of his nostrils. Tristan was facing him with his signature glare and I wrote grumpy at the top of his head again. I also added his fists at his sides that really just looked like a little ball attached to each arm.

Carson was my inspiration for this one. I drew the three of us at the tree that day. Me and Carson were still up in the branches and of course Tristan was lying on the floor. I had to give him a bubble butt to show the injury which I'm sure he would appreciate immensely. Then I drew a giant bee sitting with me and my brother in the branches and it was laughing.

I had drawn Tristan on my bedroom floor the night he woke me up at two in the morning. I made sure to draw my favorite pillow under him and an ice pack rested on his stomach through the blanket. I added myself in my bed not far from Tristan. I traced my smiley face where it belonged and of course for Tristan, his frowny face with pointed eyebrows.
(This was the picture that Tristan gave himself a smiley face for)

It was us at the gas station that rainy day after detention. I drew his car in between us and in my hands was a giant glowing bag of our favorite gummies. We both a smile on our face but I still labelled his stick figure as, Grumpy.

I looked over at Adelaide's page. It was a doodle. A doodle of a boy with the number six on his jersey. He had a smile on his face and his feet were abnormally large with twinkle stars around his toes. I had assumed his last name wasn't Grumpy, but that's what was written on his jersey.

You can also doodle them in any other situation in the book. Maybe there's a favorite scene of yours that Adelaide didn't draw, so go for it!

I don't know if people are actually going to participate in this but I am very excited to see what you all can do with this idea :)

SEND DOODLES TO : and let me know what your Wattpad username is if you want credit!!

I will also be posting them on my Instagram account: jojobean1298

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