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Saturday, 3rd person POV

"For mom?" Chris holds his sister's hand

"For mom..." Abigail sighed

Matching outfits, for the past three days Chris's and Abigail's mother have been bugging them about wearing matching outfits to the party

For their mother, they complied

"Hey I look pretty good!" Abigail compliments herself

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"Hey I look pretty good!" Abigail compliments herself

"You both look dashing" their father comes out of the room holding their mother's hand

Christian Terazi POV

"Everyone is waiting for us... Shall we go?" I smile

"Let's" mother smiled in return

We all walk out from the room to the venue

Everyone started clapping their hands to congratulate us

The party was held because last week the Terazi investment company successfully confirmed a deal with the royal family of Havinwei

The deal was is that of we invest to the surroundings of Havinwei, they will grant us a name in the country

Basically we will be know, that's a plus for reputation

"Hello there you must be Christian Terazi right?" A woman in my age went up to me

"Yes i am and who may you be?" I smile at her

"I am Artemis Michaella Gesdem, the royal family's niece, I am the young duchess of house Gesdem" elegantly she smiles

"You are the kings niece and the crown prince's cousin, I have not met them yet, how are they like?" I ask

I haven't seen them because all our communication was our secretaries

They sent they're generals and noble boards to negotiate with us

Havinwei is a huge kingdom but they're really far away to America so they're not known much

"This is just a question but have you met queen Elizabeth from England?" I laugh

"Yes, yes I have" she says

"Oh dear cousin, crown prince" she bows

"Hello Artemis, and you must be Christian Tera....Zi" I turn around to see...

The man I had a fucking one night stand with

"Do you guys know each other?" She asks

"Oh... We know each other very well" he grins



"This is... Hello crown prince" I bow

Abigail Terazi POV

"Abbie dear, doesn't Chris and young duchess Artemis look like they're getting along" mother says

"Do you think... He's getting over Emily?" Father say looks at the both of them

"Let's go over to Chris" I say

We all go to Chris, the prince excused himself away

"Chris what do you think about marrying the young duchess of Gesdem?" He asks Chris

"Excuse me dad?" Chris eyes widened

As expected he still likes Emily

"Chris you can't just chase Emily your whole life!" Father yelled

"Dad! I don't like Emily!" Chris yelled too

"Then why won't you listen to us!?!" Father is losing he's temper

"FATHER I LIKE MEN!" Chris yelled

Fancy restaurant, Oliver Hasouh POV

"Hello folks! We are on live tv witnessing the Terazi company and the royal family of Havinwei have an ally ship"

"Here we can focus on the Terazi family and they... They seem to be having a fight"

"Then why won't you listen to us!?!" Chris's father yelled

"FATHER I LIKE MEN!"  Chris yelled

Chris confessed that he likes men on live tv...

Where billions of people saw, including us

"Kch-cha-" Lucas just chocked because of what he heard and saw


Reincarnated As A Capture Target, I'm Gay But I'm RichWhere stories live. Discover now