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"Would you guys stop fucking around?" Hayes' voice grumbling through my ear piece immediately stops my laughter. I look over towards the bushes sending him a glare and my middle finger. Aziel pouts and takes off the big orange cone that was on his head, putting it back in it's place on the road.

"You're no fun," Aziel sighs.

"The truck could be here any minute," Hayes says annoyed.

It's been two days since Hayes and I have last had an actual conversation. That brief moment late at night was the last I attempted or even wanted to talk to him. I assume the same goes for him, because he hasn't made a move to talk to me either. Even coming here for this mission, we've talked through brief words and mumbles.

We're currently waiting for Andrey's truckload of drugs to make it's way down the deserted road, but nothing has come yet. We've set up a fake Road Close For Construction sign, with cones and everything (which Aziel and I were fucking around with out of boredom, before the Fun Police ruined it). We both wear all black with a bright orange safety vests that match the cones behind us. Aspen and Hayes are waiting behind some bushes, incase we need back up, but hopefully this will go smoothly and we won't need any.

"The truck hasn't been here for the past two hours," I reply leaning against the road closed sign.

"She's insufferable," Hayes exasperatedly whispers to Aspen, purposely not turning off his ear piece so I can hear him. Aspen snorts on her end. I look over at Aziel to see him making a heart sign with his hands. I flip him off and pick up a cone.

"Phoenix-" Hayes starts as I'm about to throw the cone at Aziel. Before the cone leaves my grip, in the distance I can make out the sound of a truck coming down the road.

"Shit," I mutter, quickly putting the cone back in place and standing straight. Aziel follows my lead.

"What'd I tell you?" Hayes grumbles through his mic.

"Prick." I mumble. Through the trees, I see a large white truck making it's way down the road. Getting ready, I take a deep breath and square my shoulders.

As the truck nears, it starts to slow down, clearly noticing the road closed sign. Aziel turns to me, feigning a conversation, "And then she told me she was pregnant!" His eyes widen.

"Pregnant?" I return. "Shit...did you use a condom?"

"Yes!" He gestures wildly with his hands, "I thought those things were baby proof."

I snort, "Those things are 98% effective, you know." I arch a brow, crossing my arms. The truck comes to a stop about 20 feet in front of us.

"Wait, what?" Aziel asks, genuinely confused, and I don't think he's playing a part anymore. I want to burst out laughing at him but the truck driver comes out of the truck.

"What is this?" The guy asks like the road being closed is the most absurd thing ever, making me internally roll my eyes.

"Sorry man, the roads closed for construction." I shrug. The male steps out of the truck walking towards us.

"Hey, listen," He starts, "I really need to get in there. I got a load of stuff I need to drop off for this millionaire."

"What kind stuff?" Aziel asks. I refrain from rolling my eyes at him.

There's a long pause before he says, "Top secret shit, man. The stuff that's in here is gonna make millions for this guy."

"Technically, he's not lying..." Aspen mutters through her ear piece.

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