Chapter 33

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I woke up feeling different, very different but yet still the same old Cass. I sat up and looked around my room, wondering if it was just me that had changed or the world around me.

I wasn't able to study long because there was a knock at my door, and it startled me because I hadn't expected anyone to be up.

"Cass?" the familiar voice of my mother asked. "Are you still in bed asleep? If so, you need to get up. You have shit to do."

I groaned and plopped back on my bed before I looked at the time to see that it was 4:20 in the morning. "Huh?" I asked and rubbed my eyes before I looked at it again to see that it was still 4:20.

How did it get to that time so fast? I silently asked and sat up again. I mean, it was barely eleven when I went to bed.

Again, there was a knock on my door, this one sharper than the last. "Cassidy!" my mother exclaimed in a "harsh" tone.

"I'm up, Mom," I said and rubbed my face to wake myself up further. "Sorry, I thought I turned on my alarm before I fell asleep, but I guess not."

There was a pause at the door. "May I come in?" she asked. There was something in her tone that had me frowning, but I knew better than to call it out because she had no idea what I knew...

At least... I thought she didn't.

I sighed and laid back down before I rubbed my face again, trying to relieve some of the pressure that I felt. "Yes, Ma'am," I said, not hiding the exhaustion in my voice. "You can come in."

My mother opened the door and walked in before she closed it behind her with a soft click.

Quietly, she walked over to my bed, not bothering to turn on the light to see. She laid down beside me, and I instantly curled up next to her and rested my head on her chest.

Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Her heartbeat steadily against her chest, and I closed my eyes and listened to the steady beating and letting it soothe me until it slowly lulled me into the state between awake and sleep.

My mother stayed silent and stroked a hand through my hair. She didn't say a word to me and was relaxed and happy as if she was happy that I was still her little girl, even if it was for a little while.

"Why are you up so early?" I mumbled sleepily, and she chuckled, her chest moving up and down while she did so.

"Because I am always up when you go for a run," she replied. "I always know when you leave and when you get back."

"Hmmm," was my response. "I don't wanna run this morning."

Again, she chuckled while she stroked my hair. "You know that you're going to have to unless you want Charlie to call me annoyed because you are too hyper and won't focus in his class."

I wrinkled my nose and pursed my lips. "He doesn't do that."

"Hmph," she replied. "Yes, yes he does," she said. "And I know that you know, Cassidy Anne, because you have heard his conversations and have egged him into doing it."

I smiled sleepily and shrugged. "It's because I can do that to him and get away with it," I replied. "He doesn't give out "punishments" to his students, even though he does give me harder work than other students."

My mother tapped my arm. "I'd say that is punishment," she said and tapped my arm again. "Don't you agree?"

I shrugged again. "I don't think so," I replied. "He knows that I need to be challenged unless he wants me bored. That's why he gives me more problems than the other students to make sure that I don't get bored." I paused and opened one eye to look at my mother. "But if I was homeschooled..."

My mother scowled playfully and shook her head, no. "You are not going to be homeschooled, Cass. I want you to be a "normal" teen and go to school like everyone else. You deserve to have a normal childhood."

I wrinkled my nose and pursed my lips. "But I'm not normal, Mom," I said. "I'm smarter than other students even in gifted classes." I closed my eyes and sighed. "And I am a lot stronger and faster than them too," I mumbled, "which is why you don't want me to use that stuff with others."

"Hmmm." She tapped my arm while she thought of something. "You might be able to use it soon," she said absentmindedly.

I looked up and opened my eyes to stare at her to see that she had a thoughtful look in her eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked after a moments' pause while she looked off into space.

My mother stirred from her thoughts and cleared her throat while she looked at me. She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes while she shook her head. "You'll know in time," she said, and I scowl. She chuckled and tapped my nose. "Now, now," she teased. "Don't give me that look."

I raised an eyebrow and cocked my head while I studied her. "And why not?" I asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Because I said so," she replied, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. She chuckled before she cleared her throat and grew serious. "But as I said, you'll know in time." She pressed a kiss to my forehead before she cleared her throat again and started to get up. "Now, it's time to get up so that you can get ready and go running. You'll feel better afterward."

I groaned and closed my eyes again before I curled up into the spot that she had inhabited for a bit. "I don't wanna, though," I grumbled and nestled into her place of warmth.

My mother kissed my forehead and moved a hand through my hair, and I smiled. "I know, Dear," she said, "but you have to do it anyway. Breakfast will be ready when you get back."

And with that, she left.

And with a heavy heart and a sad sigh on my lips, I got up and got ready for my run, wondering if Xav would be out and about.

Goddess, please let him be, I silently prayed while I got ready to leave. Please. I want to see him again.

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