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LIFE SEEMS SO SIMPLE when you're a child. Carefree, even. The older you get, the fucking messier it becomes.

I was born and raised in Seattle. I have 2 older brothers and parents that loved each other dearly.

We didn't have much, but my mother and father made it work. Both of my parents worked their asses off to provide for us. When I was five, my mother's employer laid her off. My Father picked up extra overtime in an attempt to make ends meet but it still wasn't enough. We lost our house and ended up homeless for a year or so. My Mother felt like she had failed us. In one last attempt to provide for her family, she killed herself. We got the life insurance pay-out, but it ruined my father and he never recovered from her death.

My Father got involved in some pretty shady shit. The Italian mob has a heavy presence in Seattle. The Capano's run shit around here and Dad just got lucky enough to get tied in with them.

He started working at Luca Capano's hotel. The hotel was a front for their money laundering scheme. Of course, Dad didn't know it at the time, but once he found out he proved his loyalty to Luca and not long after that became his right-hand man.

My Father died 20-something-years ago during a raid on one of Luca's clubs. I was only 7 years old. My brothers and I lived with my uncle until we turned 18 and eventually went our separate ways. I'm the only one who remained in Seattle.

I assume my brothers went on to be fathers, possibly husbands and worked a normal 9-5 in God knows what state. I wouldn't know, seeing as how I haven't spoken to either of them in over a decade.

With the inheritance from my father's death and my mother's life insurance I put myself through business school. When I graduated, I worked extremely hard and was eventually able to start up my own business.

Bishop Inc. is a catch-all company. I do a lot of investing. I also own a few restaurants, bars, and clubs around town. I still work with the Capano's frequently, but I'm smarter about it now.

Matthew Barrett has been on my radar recently. He runs a business similar to mine. But he's sloppy. Really fucking sloppy. We've heard rumors that he has been dipping into the human trafficking scene on the east coast. I may do a lot of questionable things, but human trafficking will never be one of them.

Luca and I created a plan. We are going to make him a business merger offer he would be stupid to refuse. After everything was done and the legal paperwork was signed and filed, Capano's men would kill him. Giving us all rights to his business and closing another gateway for the traffickers to get their hands on.

Once I drafted up an offer and sent it to Barrett I had him eating out of the palm of my hand. He jumped on a flight the next day because he was so eager to close the deal.

We were sitting in the conference room while our lawyers went over the final clauses in the contract when the doors opened, and the click of high heeled shoes caught my attention.

My eyes trailed from the top of her head where her hair was elegantly pulled back into a ponytail, down to her thin waist and mouthwatering hips. She had toned, tan legs accentuated by her heels and the black polish on her toes. Barrett stood up, licking his lips as he approached her.

"Darcy! So glad you made it. I'd like to introduce you to Colton Bishop, the CEO of Bishop Inc." Barrett said as he snaked an arm around her waist, his hand hovering dangerously close to her ass. I stood up and approached her from behind, ready to greet her.

She turned around with an extended hand and spoke. "Hi! My name is Darcy Miller. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Her eyes met my chest. Even in her heels I stood a foot and a half taller.

I took her hand as her gaze traveled up and her brown eyes eventually met mine. Her mouth dropped open and her face turned a deep shade of crimson. I have never seen anyone blush so furiously. She stood there in silence for a moment, her mouth still open in surprise. I cleared my throat and a stupid smirk spread across my face.

"Colton Bishop. Pleasure is all mine," I greeted back, a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

She snapped her lips shut and jerked her hand out of my grasp, looking down as she dusted imaginary lint off her dress avoiding any eye contact with me.

"Shall we continue?" I asked, gesturing towards the table.

"Yes!" Exclaimed Barrett gleefully. He placed a hand on the small of Darcy's back, yet again, dangerously low. Darcy grimaced, but followed as he guided her to the chair next to his. Our lawyers continued going over legal paperwork while Matthew Barrett continued to ramble on about God knows what.

I pretended to listen, but my eyes were on Darcy the entire time. She was effortlessly sexy. She chewed on the end of a pen while scanning through financial documents. Her legs crossed and her foot tapped while she was deep in concentration. She had stunning brown eyes and when the sunlight flooding in from the windows hit her just right you could see every shade of amber reflecting from them.

"Alright, I think we've got everything hashed out." Said my lawyer as he handed me and Barrett a copy of the final contract. I quickly skimmed mine over when I saw Barrett lean close to Darcy to point out part of the contract. She jumped when Barrett placed a hand on her upper thigh. I had to grit my teeth to keep myself from going over there and snapping his wrist.

"Looks great! Where do I sign?" Barrett exclaimed excitedly. Our lawyers prompted us where to sign and once everything was done, I stood and shook hands with Matthew Barrett. "Pleasure doing business with you," I hissed through my fake smile.

"You as well, Mr. Bishop." Matthew Barrett gathered his copy of the contract and stuffed it in his bag. Him and Darcy stood to leave after our lawyers had exited the room.

"Darcy, do you mind if I have a word with you?" I asked. Darcy whipped around and Barrett pursed his lips.

"Oh, I- Uh, yeah! Sure! Mr. Barrett, I'll meet you in the car."

I watched Matthew Barrett practically stomp down the hall and step into the elevator. I waited until everyone else had left the room then walked over to Darcy, grabbing a strand of hair that had fallen from her ponytail and twisting it in my fingers. She flinched at my touch and another stupid grin formed on my face.

"Darcy, do I know you from somewhere?" I asked. Her face turned a deep shade of red again and she suspiciously broke eye contact with me for the second time.

"Oh, I don't think so. I've never seen you before in my life. Bye, Mr. Bishop. It really was a pleasure!" She called over her shoulder and took long strides down the hallway. I knew it then.

Darcy was having the same dreams I was.

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