part 8: i wont bother hiding

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[lilith thoughts will be in italic and fredric's thoughts will be in bold]

in this world floriography exists as well. but it is different from earth. lilith was unaware of the meaning thinking it meant the same thing it did on earth. and lyon was unaware as he had no intrest in the subject. a scilla flower in this world means surrendering oneself to the receiver of the flower. it also means the receiver now is a part of the one who gave the flower if excepted. it is usually used in confession of love in the dating stages of a couple. a iris flower in this world means undying love. when some one gives this flower they are pledging undying love to the receiver and if excepted the two now are in the possession of one another. this flower is usually given during a marriage proposal. [ya'll are too young for this ya know?:P]

 "i do not mind dominic-sama but if i may dare ask. why are you to naming me such flowers? they have no connection to my name. so i am a bit confused." they all looked shocked except for lyon, they thought that she would know of flower language. she then turned to alex and bowed " i am sorry your majesty if i have offended you." alex got confused by this "why would you think that?" "are you not? if you aren't i am sorry there was a misunderstanding due to you calling  me a 'ancient' alexander-sama" [scilla translates to ancient in latin] they all again except lyon who was unbothered, oblivious lilith and dominic who was laughing his ass of while others sweat dropped, 'she knows the latin translation but not he meaning?'.  the topic was discontinued from that point

after this fredric told them to meet him in the dojo that was located on the second floor to start their first lesson. they all went to the second floor after all of them had finished washing the dish they used. "hello my dear students as you all can see duke tenebris has left and i will be the one teaching all of you today. we are going to alternate weeks one week i will be your teacher and the next edmond will be your teacher. we are going to start with warm ups and head up to your first sword lesson. now lilith you will be having a slightly lesser work out because you are a girl." "it is fine sensai i do not want to have a different work load due to my gender."

 "if that is what you wish i will consider it." "thank you sensai" "ok i will head out in the evening. before that let us start your training" they were doing a few laps around the cottage then there was a few crunches and push ups then some two touching. planks and many other exersizes. they were stopped around 12 to eat a 'special' salad that did not fill them very much which was to be expected. the work out was hard for children their age but lilith was going through it like a breeze she had started her old work out again and this was super easy compared to that.

 by around 2 fredric called all of them. "that is enough for your work out today" he said while tossing the wooden swords to each of them. lilith caught it in the air horisaontaly 'it has been a few months since i last held a sword, hopefully my skill has not degraded. i have been practicing martial arts by my self.' she "i am going to teach all of you the forward lunge. all of their eyes sparkled including lilith but it was fake no one picked up on that though. 'that is easy enough i will just do what they are doing to the best of my ability. i would just act dumb but why should i?'

 fredric started giving the instructions to so the move, once he was done he started to them to do it one by one in the order they were lined in. "ok mark you already started to learn this a few months ago so why don't you try again. "yes sensai!" he said and did it almost perfectly it was a little sloppy here and there but it was good. "great mark you have improved a lot" "thank you sensai" 'he really has improved since i last taught him' "next alex" "hai!" 'he has a good amount of strength he needs to work on his swings and precision' "next lyon" 'he needs to work on everything'

 i sweatdropped he started to pant right after one swing. "next dominic" "hai sensai." he said in a calm tone. he then produced to do the move everyone eyes widened. 'this is the first time he did this move and he is already on mark's level who has been practicing this from the past few months, he is a prodigy' "very well done kiddo" 'he did quite well for a beginner' lilith thought in a slight amount of awe this did not go unnoticed by the boy in question, who inwardly smirked. "ok next lilith" "hai sensai" she said in a indifferent tone. then proceded to do the move with the exactly right amount of strength, and the almost precision that could put her father to shame, and that is saying something.

 she just stood up strait and acted like she did not just do something gteat, leading everyone's jaws to drop and eyes widen. fredrick started to sweat a little 'she is a little monster isn't she? what did amelia (lilith's mother and derek's wife) read while giving birth to her? the 'the perfect human being with all skills'?' "well done lilith, looks like this generations generals will be great wont they." dominic was in a state of shock unable to think or speak lyon just started to compliment her while mark walked up to her and ruffled her hair. "well it is my little sister and brother so i understand if they were the best!" alex started to grin inwardly and thought ' she just starts to get more and more interesting, doesn't she?' starting to recal the conversation he had with his father right after the ceremony at his home, the palace.


alex had headed to his father's study and knocked on the door and waited till he heard a 'come in' from the other side. "so alex what brings you to my study?" the king said while getting up from his his table and chair and sitting next to his son on the lounging chair. "well father i wanted to let you know of something about daughter of the castrius duchy." "lilith? what is it?" " i am quite sure you have realized her genius with the few encounters" "well i have seen how brilliant she is as well as her excellent etiquette is. what is this about?"

 he said getting a little serious "well father, she is currently on level six" he was shocked at the new piece of information, alex then continued to say something that shocked the all mighty king even more. "she taught me and lyon, who id currently on level two, a spell that i have been unable to do for quite a long time.... 

under fifteen minutes" edward was bewildered "how did she manage something something like that?" "she transfered a little of her manna into my body and controlled it forming the spell around my fist, then asked me to do the same with my manna. when i did it was perfect" edward started to think ' what did they feed that child, never mind what book was amelia reading during pregnancy!?!? they produced an incredibly talented child, even magicians at the magic tower are not able to control manna when it moves out of their body! i will ask for her to become my adopted daughter. no that will never happen derek will send me to my grave if he knows of it' "we really do have a very talented one with us don't we. report more to me dear alex" he said while grinning widely, "yes father" was the reply of alex who was grinning equally wide.

~end flashback~

'father would be so proud to know his daughter is a prodigy. it will also rise the name of the duchy! i won't bother hiding' lilith thought with a stars around her, while she pumped her fist in a way one would do when the are victorious.

reincarnated villainessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora