Chapter 55

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After Joey's words comprehended in my brain, my face turned an inexplicable shade of scarlet. What did this mean? Were things going to change between us? Was he hinting that he wanted things to change between us by including me in his Valentine's Day plans?

"I'm sorry," I halfheartedly stated. Joey suppressed a laugh at my apology: it was blatantly obvious that I was anything but sorry that Joey and Aubrey broke up. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm alright," Joey smiled, dimples shining through. "I broke up with her. It wasn't right of me to date her any longer when my feelings had surpassed."

"Oh," I remarked, unsure of what exactly to say.

"So, I have a proposal..." he spoke, trailing off as he glanced nervously in my direction.

"Go on," I urged him, biting my nails to curtain my grin.

"Well today is Valentine's Day," he began.

"It sure is."

"And tomorrow's your birthday," he continued.

"It sure is," I repeated, wondering where he was going with this.

"Well," he drawled out, making a left turn onto our street. "I happen to have two plane tickets to Hawaii. Would you be interested in accompanying me on this trip?"

"Seriously?" I questioned, eagerness sprouting through my veins.

"We'll come back Sunday, so don't worry, you won't have to miss school," he winked, well aware that I would choose to stay in Hawaii over attending another day in my prison of a school.

"When do we leave?" I asked, fully excited for the oncoming trip. Just this morning, I had noticed how pasty my skin had begun to look. My tan had faded, so Hawaii would be the perfect place to restore my gorgeous, golden-brown skin tone.

"Will you be rushed with only an hour to pack?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Please, I've got packing down to a science; I'm practically a pro," I flaunted, laughing as I flung my hair over my shoulder. "We'll have enough time to pack and grab food."

"I figured," he teased, pulling into my driveway.

"Are you already packed?" I questioned, unlocking the door to my house.

"Honestly, I haven't started, but I'm sure we'll have time," he shrugged, following me to my room.

I tossed my book bag in the corner of my room, ignoring it as I flung my empty suitcase on my bed. Meanwhile, Joey flopped on the unused half of my bed and watched lazily as I threw an array of clothes into the baggage.

Deciding to throw in a pair of sweatpants and Joey's hoodie for the cooler evenings, I stood from my spot on the floor. I dropped my purse in the bag and raised my eyebrows at Joey to mentally ask if I needed anything else.

With a smirk, he hopped off my bed and dug through my closet until he found what he was looking for. He dropped two bottles of cotton candy wine and a bottle of aspirin into my bag while his eyebrows danced lasciviously. I tilted my head back with laughter as I zipped my suitcase closed.

"You should bring your backpack for the plane ride," Joey suggested.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me!" I shouted, hurrying towards the side pocket. I pulled out the roses I had received earlier in the day, preparing to submerge them in a vase of water.

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