Chapter 13 - Protecting the princess

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Charlotte's POV

"Then why didn't you pick up my calls?" I asked in curiosity.

"I had to be alone and think properly. It wasn't an easy situation for me. Especially knowing my friend is in love with my girlfriend." He replied and ran his hand through his hair.

"So... are we good now?' I asked, looking into his eyes, and bit my lower lip nervously.

"Yes, we are." He gave me a warm smile and brushed his lips against mine, cupping my cheek.


When I was about to go to the agency, Nathan called me and informed me that yesterday, Nicole visited him in the hotel. Once she heard, there wasn't any problem between Nathan, Lucca and me, she got mad and told him how he could accept this betrayal. Then Nicole informed him she would make Lucca and me pay for it herself.

Nathan told me he just wanted to inform me and I shouldn't worry; he would talk to her and stop her before she did something stupid. He said that he informed Lucca about it as well.

When I was about to leave Alexis' office, my phone rang. It was my father. I excused myself and left the office.

"Come to the mansion now. I am waiting." My father demanded firmly as soon as I picked up the phone.

"Wha..." Without letting me finish my sentence, he hung up his phone.

I frowned, looking at my phone, dumbfounded.

What was going on?

Once I arrived at the mansion, the housekeeper informed me that my father was waiting for me in his office. When I asked where my mother was, she told me that my mother wasn't home.

"Hi, Dad." I gave my father a warm smile as I walked into his office after knocking on the door.

"Sit down." He said sternly.

"What happened?" I asked, worried and sat down in the armchair beside his desk.

He opened the drawer without replying and threw a yellow envelope onto the desk.

"What is it?" I asked, puzzled as I took the envelope and opened it. My eyes widened as I saw Lucca and my photos from the day we spent together in Italy.

"My friend, who is an editor-in-chief at a famous magazine, called me and informed me that someone sent him your photos anonymously." He informed firmly.

"Dad... I..." I mumbled nervously.

"I thought you loved Nathan, not that racer." He commented and rubbed his forehead.

"I do love Nathan.. Lucca... and I.." I sighed, ruffling my hair. "It was a mistake." I said and bit my lower lip, embarrassed. He raised his eyebrow. I took a deep breath and explained that I was upset because of Nathan's new relationship and got drunk trying to forget it for a while.

He exhaled and rubbed his chin. "Did Lucca send these photos to him?"

I breathed deeply and shook my head. "No, Lucca isn't that kind of man." I replied honestly.

He gave me a sly smile. "You are so sure of this boy."

"We have known each other for a long time." I ruffled my hair and breathed deeply. "And I know who sent the photos. Don't worry. I will handle it." I stated firmly.

"Be quick. I don't want people to talk that my daughter came between two friends. You know very well how they will exaggerate the situation after seeing these photos." He warned me.

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