Chapter 41 - A Miracle

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Chapter 41 - A Miracle


Ace pulled away and looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"What's wrong, Ace?" I asked in confusion.

"I don't like the idea of surrogacy," he said, sounding repulsed.

"Why not? Do you think that I won't treat the child right because I didn't give birth to him or her myself?" I demanded. Did he think I was that shallow?

He shook his head. "That's not it. I know you would never do that. But I just think it's not safe. What if the surrogate mother betrays us at the last moment? What if she takes away our baby after nine months after we invest all that time into her and then starts blackmailing us for money?"

I was stunned to hear all that.

He was so right... and I had nothing to defend it with.

He took my hands in his. "I know, Ava, having a kid would have been nice. But it's not the end of the world for us. It's okay if we don't have a child. Not every couple is meant for everything. We can be happy on our own. I know that I will be happy anywhere with you."

My eyes teared up at his words. "I..." My voice was choked up as I hugged him. My ugly emotions started pouring out as I spoke, "I will also always be happy with you, Ace. But I really love kids. I really wanted one of my own for a long, long time. Ever since I understood the concept of marriage when I was young, I always dreamed of being a mother, Ace. I wanted to do the things that my mom couldn't do for me... I wanted to brush my daughter's hair every night, dress her up... I wanted to buy those drones or helicopters for my son, to tease him about girls... So much, Ace... I wanted to do so much... It's not fair..."

Ace caressed my hair the whole time I kept talking, listening intently. After a few minutes of silence, he suggested, "What do you think about adoption then?"

I looked up at him in surprise. "Really? Would you want to do that?"

I didn't expect Ace would like the idea of adoption since I thought he would want his own bloodline to inherit whatever he had. But then again, Ace always proved me wrong.

He nodded with a smile.

"Will everyone else in the family agree?" I inquired.

"I'm sure they will. Even if they don't, it doesn't matter. Whoever we adopt, he or she will be our child. No one has a say in it. We will decide what's best for us and for him or her."

I finally managed to smile at his reassuring words. "Then. I think we are going to have a child, Ace."

Ace cupped my face and smiled. "Yes, Ava. We will be parents."

"The best parents," I corrected, and he chuckled.

"Right, the best parents," he repeated.


A week later, after much discussion and going through several adoption centers, we were on our way to another one.

Though I wanted to adopt all of those cute children, we weren't feeling the connection with any of them. I wanted to make sure our child and we felt some sort of deep connection. Until we found that connection... we would keep looking. Also, Ace ended up donating a large sum of money to those adoption centers because we felt so unbearably guilty for not choosing any of the kids from there.

"What do you think? Will we find our kid today?" Ace asked, and I flashed him a smile.

I put my hands on his and said, "I have a good feeling about today."

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