55. City Boy (Sam)

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   The atmosphere in the car is anything but light, especially after Rose grabbed Alec by the arm and dragged him next to her on the back seat because "it would be so much fun to exchange baking tips on the way". That immediately resulted in Victor settling at the front, grinning like a shot fox. I would have done something about it if mom was not making a total drama out of us leaving.

   "Oh, dearest God! I am sorry for being such a baby," she is sniffling, wiping a tear discreetly. "I'll miss you so much, boys. Alec, honey, you're a sweetheart. Promise you'll call me from time to time."

   "Of course I will," he reaches out to hold her hand. "We can chat after every Master Chef episode. What do you think?"

   "Yes!" Nicol squeals. "Let's make it our thing. We'll discuss the contestants and make bets on who will be expelled next."

   "We might have our thing as well, Alec and I, you know, at ten p.m., on Sundays," I grumble. I am happy the most important women in my life are crazy about my boyfriend, but this is really getting out of hand. 

   "You can have your 'thing' with Alec any other day," mother glares at me and turns back to him with an innocent smile. "Just tell me if this rascal gets up to mischief. I know how to deal with him."

   "There is no need," Alec giggles. "Sam is the best. You can be proud of him."

   "Ohhh, cutie!" Mom's cheeks flush pink with delight. She throws herself on my neck and starts rubbing my back. "You're a good boy, aren't you? Sammy, when are you two coming again?"

   "Soon, mom. I promise." I hug her tight one more time and put an end to the mushy scene by striding determinedly to the other side of the car and taking the drivers seat. Barney starts whining as if to put the cherry on top of the spectacular farewell.

   The first ten minutes of the trip go relatively calm if we don't count Rose's unstoppable chatter, which is definitely starting to get on my nerves. I am already fully prepared to bake a whole fucking ten-tier, wedding cake with all the frosting and shit, including the topper figurines. Alec has barely managed to say two words and is only nodding like those dashboard, vinyl, bobble head puppies, shaking their heads at every road bump. I am watching him carefully in the rear view mirror and he is not happy at all, squinting at Victor's nape the entire time.

   Suddenly, my so called best friend decides to open his mouth only to heighten the tension. "Soo, Tommy, where are you taking me tonight? How about some clubbing? We'll go to that old Chinese restaurant then for some sweet and sour chicken with egg-fried rice that used to cure miraculously the nastiest hangovers." 

   Before I can think of an answer, he points through the open window and laughs out, "No freakin' way! Look at that donkey. I haven't seen one in two years. I should really come home more often."

   "It's a hinny," Alec grumbles out of nowhere. "The horse banged the donkey, you know."

   "Pfft!" Victor starts cackling in full voice, patting my back. "I bet Sam told you that, city boy. Sammy, how could you corrupt the innocent soul like this?"

   "Oh, yeah?" Alec bellows. "It's not me who lives in Paris and hasn't set a foot in a village in two years. And I am not innocent. You can bet on that."

   "Well, I can bet that you've never seen a real snake in your life," Victor sneers. 

   I contemplate how to stop this without causing a car accident at the same time. These two seem determined to ruin my concentration on the road. The red swirls on Rose's cheeks clearly show that she's perfectly aware they are not talking about the actual animal and are all but friendly to each other.

   "You might be surprised that I have," my Peppercorn doesn't give up, stubborn resolution written on his face. "I can assure you that I'm well familiar with hummingbirds as well. You can actually call me an expert, if you like."

   This obviously takes Victor by surprise. His jaw drops. He grunts indignantly and finally shuts it, focusing on the view outside, to my great relief. Alec gives him a dirty look and pouts. The silence is too long and too awkward for me to feel comfortable.

   "How about some music," I suggest cheerfully, turning the radio on. Niki Minaj's voice instantly fills the space, making the blood drain from my face at the explicit desires of someone's 'anaconda'*

   Rose gasps. I turn the radio off and sigh deeply. This is gonna be a long day and I suspect the night won't be better.


*Anaconda - a song, performed by rapper and singer Niki Minaj. 

Photo by Full rights with model releases from istockphoto.com


Hello at the end of chapter 55!

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You are amazing!

That was the first open confrontation between the two rivals for Sam's attention.

Who do you think won? 😂

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Love: Anny 

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