Eight - "Put me down, sir!"

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Chapter Eight

Pia's POV

I faced him slowly with a bended head, my hands clasped together as I waited for him to speak first. I could not look at him, my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"What the hell are you doing here!" I jolted at his sudden outburst.

"I... I returned the book that I borrowed, sir," I glanced at him and answered politely.

He was wearing a white bathrobe, his hair was wet from the shower, and it glistened. He was standing so tall in front of me, making me feel so small in my 5'4" feet tall.

"I don't remember you borrowing a book from me, Miss Rosi," his eyes blazed like fire at me, "what you did is stealing! I can fire you now, for what you did."

"No, sir. I did not steal the book. I borrowed it from Calliope."

"Who the hell is Calliope!"

My eyebrows furrowed. He's impossible. He could not remember the name of his most trusted maid.

"Calliope is Miss Chloros," I answered, keeping a mild tone, "but please don't blame her. It's all my fault for insisting to borrow the book."

"I trust Miss Chloros, she won't betray me," his eyes were stony with anger, directed at me, then bursted, "but you, Miss Rosi, you're behaving strangely, since I met you."

"I'm very sorry, sir. I was trying too hard to create a good impression, instead it all went wrong. But I assure you, I'm a good person."

"Really?" his lips twisted, "you give me every reason to doubt your employment here in the mansion."

"I don't have any other intention, but to help my sister. She needs this job so badly," I almost begged, "I swear, I don't work in any gang or organization to spy on you. I'm not a media reporter either... and absolutely, I'm not here to seduce you."

His dark eyebrows arched, looking angrier than ever. His eyes were cold and hard, aiming at me like bullets.

"I don't give a damn if you're doing this in a good deed. I don't tolerate bad behavior from my staff."

"I understand sir, you have every reason to be upset," I stood still, not moving an inch, "I should have returned the book to you, instead of sneaking inside your bedroom. I take responsibility for my actions," I tilted my chin a little, "so if you're going to fire me now... it's okay, I'll take it."

His hands went inside his robe's pockets, a muscle quivered at his jaw.

"Don't use reverse psychology on me, it won't work," his burning eyes held mine, "but I'll let this incident pass for now. Next time, I won't be very forgiving, Miss Rosi, remember that."

I heaved a sigh of relief. I'm glad the beast in him is hidden in his closet.

"Thank you, sir. I promise, I won't touch any of your books again, without your permission."

"Stick to housekeeping, Miss Rosi. It suits you better."

I was wrong. It's the angel in him who is hidden in the closet.

I really hate this bastard now. He is cold, ruthless, with no spark of compassion. I wish there's a time machine that can forward immediately in two months.

"Is there anything more you want to ask, sir?"

"No, you can leave now."

I gave him a curt nod of farewell, then turned to the door.

I pressed the passcode in the digital lock panel. I was glad that I already remembered it. I could not wait to get out of this room.

7, 9, 1, 3.

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