14 - ARC 2.4

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Third P.O.V

Once everything was straightened out with the roles, (Y/N) headed home.

(Y/N)'s wife was waiting for them at the door.

Angela Hoffman was a real estate agent that worked from home. Her relationship with (Y/N) was a secret, but she didn't mind.

"How was work?"

Angela asks.

"It was good."

(Y/N) replied, but to Angela, it seemed like they were hiding something.

"What's wrong?"

Angela's tone was suddenly very commanding.

Angela was a bossy wife, and she was proud of it. After all, 'happy wife, happy life'.


(Y/N) attempted to escape to the bedroom, but Angela pinned them to the nearest wall with frightening speed.

Looking at Angela with feathery blue hair and golden eyes, (Y/N) seriously wondered how the original (Y/N) scored this hot woman.

"Tell the truth."

Angela commanded. (Y/N) twisted their fingers.

"I have to act as a character for the tv series."

Angela let go of (Y/N) and started walking into the living room.

"I don't see a problem with that."

(Y/N) swallowed.

"I'm going to be the male lead."

Angela stopped in her tracks. Slowly, she turned her head.




"The change has brought discord between your beloved and their wife."

The person in the room smirked after hearing the report.

"This is just the beginning, soon (Y/N) will be all mine."

Author's Note: I kinda get the feeling (Y/N)'s a wife slave, does anyone else get that?

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