9. 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕

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Juliette starts slowly separating from Edward and stares at him

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Juliette starts slowly separating from Edward and stares at him. Edward leans down a bit to join his forehead with hers, still holding her waist.

-We have to talk about many things. - The newborn nods, closing her eyes.

-Juliette... - Both vampires separate a bit to look at Eleazar with the rest of the Denalis and Cullens.

Edward stands beside Juliette, still taking her waist. Eleazar gives them half a smile until the newborn sees eveyone's expression on their faces.

-Did something happen? - The blonde girl asks confused

-We saw the news on the TV in which your father and fiancé are looking for you. - Juliette tries to walk backwards but Edward's grip on her waist doesn't let her.

-T-They... - The Denalis get alert by seeing how Juliette's eyes change colour many times.

Edward takes her cheeks and makes her look at him.

-Hey, Juliette. - The newborn shakes her head, lost in her thoughts - Juliette, look at me... Beautiful, look at me.

Juliette stares at Edward, feeling how her nerves go away bit by bit. The snow on the vampires' feet disappear with the same speed like when it appeared. Juliette closes her eyes for a moment, showing she's feeling better.

-I think it's better if you sit down. - Edward and Juliette seat on the three seat sofa while the two families take their places in the living room.

-How is it that my dad and... the other guy are looking for me? - The newborn asks the Denalis

-I suppose tthey began looking for you when you escaped from your wedding. - Tanya says

-From your wedding? You were gonna get married? - Alice asks confused, sitting on Jasper's lap

-Um... yeah. - Juliette whispers, knowing they can hear her - Before someone says something, you have to hear the whole story. The Denais know it already given that they already have my trust and because they saved me from a... horrible death.

-You don't have to say it if you don't want to. - Edward says beside her, taking her hand

- No, we're family now and you deserve to know. - The Cullens smile by hearing Juliette's words - My mother died many years ago, she was the one who controlled my father. She never let him control my life, but everything changed when she died. My father started taking my decisions, he told me how to dress, what to do in my free time, who I need to relate with until the point in which he decided who I needed to marry.

Edward, without containing it, rolls his eyes angrily by hearing the last part. Emmet and Jasper laugh by seeing their brother's expression but they laugh quietly by seeing how Juliette has her look lost while telling her story.

-I never wanted to contradict my father because I wanted to make him feel proud. So I did everything he ordered me to do for more than ten years until he told me I was gonna get married when I'm eighteen. - Juliette lets Edward hug her by the shoulders, feeling how her gift disappears bit by bit - The man who'd be my husband is friends with my dad, he saw me growing up and always told my father that he'll be my husband.

-What kind of man thinks about a girl like that? - Rosalie asks disgusted

-He's a pedophile. - Kate says crossing her arms

-I know, No one knows this... not even my father. - Juliette says, looking down at her hands, realising she starts letting out small snowflakes - When my father invited him to dinner, he always found the way to leave us alone. When I was little, I asked my dad if I could go play with my toys in my room after dinner.

Everyone looks down by imagening what happened after that. Juliette closes her eyes strongly, remembering those moments with pain and a lot of grudge.

-One time, he went to my room. As an innocent girl, I thought he wanted to play dolls with me but it wasn't like that.

-Juliette. - Carmen tries to stop her but the newborn keeps talking

-He began approaching me, I asked him to be the prince that saved the princess but he told me that I was the princess. He told me h-he'll m-make feel s-something... a-amazing. - Juliette says with difficulty - He began touching my legs, he lift up my skirt and wanted to...

Juliette doesn't finish her sentence, widening her eyes, staring at some point in the living room, remembering how the man's hands touched her body.

-My father never knew this, he thought he was playing with me when he was touching me. I tried to push him away but he didn't let me. When I grew up, he kept doing the same thing and a moment came in which I wanted to tell my friends or the police. But he threatened me by saying he would... abuse me and would killl my dad. - Juliette looks at the family members, realising they're all staring at her. - That's why I didn't want to marry him, because of that and because he's three times my age. I saw how he stole my clothes along with my underwear... I don't want return with him or my father. I know I'm stronger than before but I know they're capable of anything.

Juliette realises how her legs start to freeze. She closes her eyes strongly and tries to get closer to Edward to try to calm down and forget the horrible memories of that man touching her.

 She closes her eyes strongly and  tries to get closer to Edward to try to calm down and forget the horrible memories of that man touching her

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Today I went shopping and bought some things. I also bought the last three Harry Potter books that I need to complete my collection. (They're all in Spanish)

There's not one day when a woman's not abused, touched, or hit. My family doesn't do this but I suffered a lot in my other school because of all the bullying I received for being 'different'. I'll tell you the story in another chapter.

But you're not alone, girls. I'll always love you no matter what.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vote and comment. LOVE YOU ALL.


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