Level 6: Favorite Affirmations List

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Now here is a list of my most potent and effective affirmations. These are affirmations from me and other people. 

I'm a perfect manifestor

I'm a master manifestor 

I'm an instant manifestor

I have a perfect mental diet

I have a perfect self-concept

I have the perfect mindset

I'm highly successful in everything I do

I'm always victorious (no matter what)

(No matter what) I just can't lose 

Manifesting is extremely easy for me 

All my affirmations are very potent and effective 

I can manifest anything I desire no matter what my conscious beliefs are 

Everything my SP is doing, thinking, and saying is working in my favor (no matter what) My manifestations always chase me 

Everything is always working out in my favor (no matter what) 

Time is always working in my favor (no matter what) 

I deserve to live my dream life 

I'm already living my dream life 

I can fully afford to live my dream life 

I always get exactly what I want (no matter what) 

Circumstances are always working out in my favor (no matter what) 

Circumstances are just bridges of incidents 

Everything that is happening in my life is working out in my favor 

Everything good and bad is working out in my favor 

I have enough belief 

It's working, it's already done, I'm seeing results

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