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Melinoë Brewer

After dinner and my mom's rambling about the things she needs to get, I ran myself a hot shower. I take long showers all the time because the warmth soothes me. The sounds of the water block out all my thoughts and worries. It helps me relax. It helps me so well that when I have a panic attack, my mom will run me a shower and tell me to hop in. But if a shower isn't available, music is the next best thing.

I sighed, turning off the water. I was in here for almost two hours, and my mom still needed to take a shower. I quickly wrapped my towel around myself and made my way to my room. I lotioned my body and slipped on an oversized T-shirt and some shorts. I was going to head downstairs, but before I could, my phone buzzed. It was an invitation to a group chat. Selene sent it to me, so I joined.


Melionë has entered the group chat

🌙Selene🌙: Ayo everyone welcome Mel to the gc

👼Ace👼: Heyyy Mel

416-322-5678: Sup mel

Melinoë: Is that phone number Jay? And Hi!

416-322-5678: yUh my dude

Melinoë: Okie

😎Jay😎: noice wyd

Melinoë: Texting you guys

Melinoë: Oh, I forgot to ask. Do any of you have allergies?

👼Ace👼: Nope

🌙Selene🌙: Cat fur. But it only makes my nose runny and eyes watery.

🌙Selene🌙: So unless ur gonna feed us cat hair I'll be fine.

Melinoë: Lol

😎Jay😎: deez nuts

Melinoë: .....I don't understand-

😎Jay😎: girl-

👼Ace👼: He's allergic to nuts.

Melinoë: All nuts? Or just certain ones?

😎Jay😎: deez nuts especially

😝Isaiah😝: Bro, Jay. stfu

Melinoë: Isaiah!

😝Isaiah😝: oop mb

👼Ace👼: Yeah, he's allergic to all nuts.

Melinoë: Okay! Thanks for letting me know!

Melinoë: But I'm confused. What are deez nuts?

😝Isaiah😝: Now look what you did-

👼Ace👼: You don't need to know.

🌙Selene🌙: Bro I've been dying of laughter on the floor.

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