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Two days after the incident, Win spent time in his room. He hadn't been charged, yet.   but the police did let him know that he would have to be back for more questioning when it came to.

he wasn't sure how the system work. Had Dawn not press charges or was this just some tactic to let Win know he couldn't leave? Win couldn't understand how Dawn could just come up with such a story and play victim to something that didn't even happen.

It opened Wins eyes to see how dangerous she really is. But it also showed Win how much of a coward he is as well.

He knew all he had to say was that he was with Bright. That they spent the day shopping for new shoes , but he couldn't.

Dawn was already upset. What would she do if she found out the two were alone together? She would question it. He knew that for sure. Then, she would try to stop whatever relationship Bright and Win had going on.

He didn't want to see Bright hurt. It's already bad enough his sister is homophobic and treats him the way she already does.

He didn't trust that Dawn wouldn't do anything. And to Win, Brights safety mattered more than some made up story.

Good thing for Win was, Dawns story doesn't add up with the timeline. He saw the questioning look the Detective had made when he found out what time Win left for the day .

The more days that passed though, seemed to become unbearable. going back to school was a nightmare for the boy. The word about Dawn got out and now Win was the most hated in the school. People believed that he actually assaulted and left Dawn all on her own for a full week.

He would get pushed around, bullied , mean words written all over his desk and locker.

He couldn't eat in the cafeteria anymore because of the fear of being jumped. He stayed hidden in the bathroom until it was time for class. That was the only time people couldn't hurt him since the teachers didn't tolerate that kind of stuff. Mike would try to come and talk to him but Win would walk away. He was scared that people would start harassing Mike as well if they saw the two together.

At the end of the day, Win would go home to see his parents arguing. That was probably the worst part of this situation. His mom actually believed that he did do those thing.

He could here her one night on the phone.

"He did leave that day......But how am I supposed to believe that?......he said he wanted a day off from school the day before, he never asked for that before......I don't know I don't think that someone would lie about something so drastic...."

That night, Win cried himself to sleep. The fact his own mom would think he could do something like that shattered him.

He stayed away from his parents, at least his mom. He knew his dad wholeheartedly believed he didn't do it.

"You know so?" Wins dad said while they were in the garage together. "I've never liked that girl, I've heard so many things about her , I wouldn't believe a word she says."

"Really?" Win responded


Win was in his room staring at the ceiling. He wondered what would happen. No one called to tell him or his parents anything. They were just told not to leave the country until it was all sorted out.

Dawn hadn't come to school and there was no word from Bright to see what was going on.

He sighed softly as he looked at his phone. He really was hoping to hear from the other soon. He missed him like crazy and knew for a fact hearing his voice would make him feel better.

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