Chapter- 1

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Isabella belonged to a middle class family and has an introverted personality mostly reserved and loves to stay in her room.

Isabella would only leave her room when needed like to eat when hungry or going to school. The rest of her time is either spent on school homework or playing otome games which was her way out from the reality of this world.

She would often think that what if magic exists in real life and how her life would be if she were to possess magical attributes. But all seems good in a world of games and not in real life. Hence, she would play games, study and be a topper of her class and so on.

Due to her introvert personality, she doesn't have friends at all except Olivia who was also an otaku girl like her. Last week she introduced Isabella to the new otome game she was obsessed with "Intertwined fate".

Isabella tried her friends suggestion on the game and was instantly immersed in the game. The game was trendy and on a great demand among the teenagers and single adults.

After completing the final paper of the mid term exams, Isabella was in a rush to go home and finish the hidden character 1 and 2 story for the Intertwined Fate game she was playing.

She bid her farewell to her friend Olivia after discussing about the game and how she is now on the hidden character route.

Isabella rushed towards home and stopped at the cross walk to turn the signal into green and cross the road to her home. While she waited impatiently, she was thinking on how she would capture the heart of hidden character.

As soon as the signal turned green, Isabella rushed forward to cross the road when the truck coming on full speed from opposite side of the road seems to have lost control of brakes, hit Isabella ending her life instantly on the spot.

Before closing her eyes she exclaimed "why" and "I didn't even get a chance to finish the hidden capture targets route" "life is so unfair" and with that she took her last breath.


"Lady Emma take a deep breath and calm down before pouring out all your strength on pushing" someone said.

"Arghhhhh" someone screamed followed by the pain, when I heard a comforting and kind voice.

"I am here sweetie, you worked hard" said Duke Winfred

"Congratulations Duchess And Duke Winfred, it's a baby girl" said the maid.

"Huh, what's happening and who are these people talking, Who is crying so hard?? Damn, it's so loud in here. Don't you know to be quiet when someone is sleeping??"

"Wait a minute, who is crying and last thing I remember is being hit by the truck. What is happening and am I still alive in hospital getting my injuries treated???"

"I did the next best thing, I could think of and tried to open my eyes and check the surrounding."

"As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a very beautiful giant lady smiling at me. She is super pretty with pale fair skin, mint-color hairs and sea green color eyes. I was mesmerized by this lady's beautiful looks who was smiling at me and gently stroking my cheeks"

"A bit later I saw another giant looking down and smiling at me who also has personality characteristics of being very much handsome with deep blue eyes and blonde hairs with pale fair skin."

The male handsome giant than said to the beautiful female giant, "It seems like your gentle touch has calmed down our princess." He further added, "She is very beautiful having both of our features; look at her eyes its like turquoise in color matching both your sea green and mine deep blue color eyes."

Emma asked "Harper, have you think of any name for our daughter??"

Duke harper replied, "Not really."

Suddenly a small kid poke his head out and asked the giant lady to show her the baby.

"Mommy, Can I see her??"

"Sure darling, here you go. She is your baby sister. You now have more responsibility and you need to take care of her. Make sure to protect her from everything. How about that Winston, Will you protect your sister??"

Winston replied, "Yes momma, I am going to save and protect my sister from everyone including the enemies." Mommy, she is very angelic. Is she an angel??? Can I call her Angel??"

Emma said to her son, "Oh baby! you are so adorable. She is our princess and your angel. So, protect her with all your might. We don't have a name for her yet but, do you think of a pretty name for her??"

Winston replied with a happy face saying, "Mommy, I want to call her Adonis as I studied in a book where the god of beauty is called Adonis and she is very pretty and beautiful just like momma. Can I call her Adonis??? Please??? Pretty Please???"

Emma laughed at her son's excited jumpy voice and pretends to be thinking of the name he suggested by stroking her index finger on her chin and exclaiming, "Hmmm, lets think about it. Is it a good name Harper?? What do you suggest???"

Duke Harper laughed at her wife's tactics and looked lovingly at his son and wife and kindly said to them, "I love the name so, how about we call her Adonis Harper Winfred??"

Emma smiled once more and said "it's a beautiful name for our beautiful Angelic daughter. I liked the name. Let's name her Adonis Harper Winfred."

"Wait a min, where have I heard that name before, why can't I remember it?? Suddenly, she remembered the name from the otome game she was playing "Intertwined fates" which I used to play and didn't get to finish the game or go to the hidden character's route. But my concern right now is my name as it is the name of the villainess who would always harass the commoner heroine and would bother her in each and every route. So cliché."

"I am happy to be reincarnated and I really mean it but why do I have to be the villainess??"

"You know what, bring it on, I mean, I am not accepting it and I am not that Adonis so I am going to change the fate of Adonis Harper Winfred."

"I would have been very happy in other circumstances if I wasn't the villainess but since now I am the evil Adonis, I have to think of a way to change the fate and avoid all the death flags."

With this; Isabella aka Adonis starts her plan to escape death flags and remember the game routes in her mind on how she aka Adonis would annoy every capture targets and harass the heroine using her status, so cliché.

Reincarnated in an Otome game named "Intertwined fates" as a villainess.Where stories live. Discover now