We Will Rise

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My morning never begins, I am up all night checking on people and arranging them so they are warm when they sleep. Tonight Skaikru sleeps under the stars, thankfully winter has passed and the spring warmth has hit. We also have a very large bonfire not too far away that casts heat outside the fence. Sadly the rain makes it hard to position people comfortably as we don't have enough shelter and the trees are unguarded and sparce, they wouldn't provide much shelter anyways.

The sun ebbs over the trees and I think I might finally get rest. My hopes are diminished as Clarke calls me in for a meeting. This is my second night in a row withour sleep. My body is slowly giving in to exaustion as the meeting begins. My head feelk like fifty pounds on my shoulders as we stand aound a table. Roan, bellamy, marcus and monty join us.

"Sectors three, four and five sustained the worst damage. We lost the server room all of our processors and life support systems and half of our living quarters." Monty informs us. "Now, backup power will keep the lights on at night in the rooms that survived, but well have no heat or running water. And no way to restore or reseal the ship before the radiation gets here."

"Is there any good news?" Bellamy asks.

"Well, no one died."

"Forget the ark. It was never gonna save us all anyways." Clarke says "We need tyo focus our recources on the nightblood solution. Is the fuel loaded."

"Its in the process, but, clarke. It isnt going to be an easy ride." Bellamy informs her.

"When the secres of Praimfaya got out, I sent Ekko and my army back to Polis to keep the peace." Roan says.

"Well thats good, well need peace to distribute the cure."

"More than half of them deserted on the way. With the end coming thay want to be home. I dont blame them."

"Do you blame them for burning Trikru villages as they go?" Bellamy acuses.

"Thats funny coming from you." Roan jabs back.

"Enough," I say, my head throbbing.

"The woods are a warzone. After what happened with Ilian, I cant spare many of the gaurd to protect you." Marcus says.

"My security detail can protect us." Roan says.

"Thank you, that very generous." Marcus says.

"Its not like they dont follow you around like lost puppies anyways." I say, motioning to the door where two gaurdss stand outside.

"We are all in this together now." Roan says giving me an apologetic look.

"Werent we all supposed to be together before? Or does that only count when your not the one calling the shots."

Roan glares at me softly and the room stays quiet.

"Your not fighting back. Ashamed, sorry?" He simply stares at me. "Didnt think so."

I push myself from the table and storm towards the door.

"Ill meet you guys at the rover." I say.

As I walk down the hall, I hear Roans heavy steps behind me. I turn a corner and find my dagger. As Roan comes into veiw, I throw him agianst the wall and press the blade agianst his throat. Roan holds his hands up and sends his gaurds away. 

"I just wanted to talk." He defends himself

"Talk." I order.

"Im sorry,"

"So youve said, you have yet to show."

"Well you havent exactly given me a chance."

"Earn the chance then prove it."

My Warrior || Roan X OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu