Chapter Twenty Two

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Mia's POV

"Damien! I need you at table 4 please." I yelled to the back.

"Sure thing hun. Jack needs some help in the kitchen, can you go talk to him?" He asked as he grabbed his pen and paper.

"Yeah no problem."

I went to the back and saw Jack standing there waiting for me with a rose in his hand.

"What's this?" I asked him.

"Mia, I know that you've said you're not ready for anything, but can I please take you out on one date?" He pleaded.

"Jack I'm not so sure about that."

"Mia please. Just one night out, that's all I ask." He pleaded some more.

"Fine, but Damien is coming with us. Tomorrow, an hour after closing." I told him.

He nodded in agreement before giving me the rose and going back to work. Fucking Damien set me up. Jack's been trying for months now to get me to go out with him, each time I tell him no but he can't seem to get that through his head. Damien, being pals with him, apparently decided to be his wingman.

I've been back to Crestview for a little two years now. After I finished college in my home city I decided to move back to be with my best friend. Even though I left he stayed. At first I was a little butthurt about it, but I can't blame him. Both of us grew to love this town in the short amount of time we were here.

The summer before college started was really hard for me. I had some of my old friends I was able to talk to, but for the most part I was alone. Towards the end is when I learned the truth about that night, apparently it was all a scheme between Mark and Katie to break Nikki and I apart. When Damien told me everything I felt so guilty. All of the emotions I had to go through alone could've been avoided if I would've just listened to her.

I got all of her texts and her letters, but I couldn't bring myself to open them after learning the truth. I had a plan set in mind. I was going to finish college, move back to Crestview with Damien, and find Nikki. The problem with that? When I got there Nikki was nowhere to be found. Apparently she hasn't been here since she left.

I spent the past two years waiting for her return. I've tried to talk to her parents and some of her old friends, but they didn't know when she would be back either. I know what happened is my fault, I never should've just left without listening to her. I want nothing more than to make it right with her again. I tried to tell Damien that, though after the first year he kept telling me I needed someone else. He loves Nikki, but he doesn't want to see me upset and single anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I have tried to date other people since Nikki. They all ended because I wasn't all there in the relationships. Nikki still had a hold on my heart, and honestly I didn't want it to go away. After the last failed one in senior year is when I decided to just quit, I knew I wouldn't be able to give my partners the love and affection they needed.

And that leads us to where we are now. Me being set up into a date that I don't really want to go on. "Damien!" I yelled once I got back out to the front.

He looked over his shoulder and immediately fear swept across his face. I motioned to the office that we had for the two of us and went inside. He came a little while later, cowering, almost scared for what I was going to do.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked him once he closed the door.

"Look Mia, you know I love you, and you weren't going to say yes to him unless you got a little push, which is exactly what I gave you."

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