Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


Marc had been right.

Julia said yes, and they were married a few months later.

There had not been a lot to organise since most of the wedding stuff had already been bought. Julia tweaked her old dress until it was nearly brand new and Marc wore his Navy suit.

Since neither of them were particularly religious, they had the ceremony and reception at a local stately home, much to her mother’s, a Catholic, disgust.

Marc’s father was more than willing to pay out the money since he had been waiting years to see his son married, Julia apologised profusely for getting blown up.

Marc’s parents adored Julia and she adored them, wondering why her family had to be the difficult ones.

The day went splendidly, the British weather never failed to accommodate as it rained all through the morning but the sun shined for the photographs.

The wedding was fairly small since neither Julia nor Marc knew a lot of people out of the army except for their family.

Julia’s half of the church was minimal, close family members only.

Her father had cried as he gave her away, making Julia tear up.

“He’s a good one,” Her father whispered as he kissed her cheek before he placed her hand in Marc’s, “Take care of her.”

Marc smiled, “I will, although I think she has it covered.”

Ray, Carlos and Twitch cheered in approval as they heard Marc’s comment. The registrar had to ask them to be quiet.

Julia was grinning like an idiot as Marc removed the veil and they shared a kiss that could have easily been rated an 18. Thankfully there were no children present.

The meal was splendid and Julia scoffed hers down in a hurry.

Marc raised an eyebrow in humour, his hand resting on her knee beneath the table.

“Do you know how much I had to diet to get into this dress?” Julia scoffed.

“Yeah, you were a lot skinnier before,” Marc grinned as Julia punched him in the arm.

“I can see that my services shall be required in the future,” Twitch laughed from where he was sat on the head table beside Marc.

Julia smiled, “I’ll have you on speed dial.”

Marc looked between the pair of them, “I do not like the sound of this.”

“Well,” Julia leaned in and whispered something in Marc’s ear that made him squeeze the hand on her knee, “How do you like the sound of that, husband?”

“So much so,” Marc leaned in, their lips dangerously close, “That I’m thinking we should cut this party short, wife.”

Julia wagged her eyebrows, “I like how you think.”

But they were stopped from plotting the early finish of their wedding when a figure stepped in front of their table.

It was Commander Strong.

“Sir,” Julia whispered as they got to their feet, their chairs scraping against the floor, Carlos helped Ray to his feet.

Old habits die hard.

Everybody had turned to see what had caused the four Marines to stand to attention.

“At ease,” Strong smiled and Julia thought he looked devishly handsome in his Naval suit with his decorations across his chest.

12 Seconds (#1 in Military series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora