Chapter Twenty Four pt 1

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Chapter Twenty Four

Tingling sparks of anticipation thieved away at the demon's sleep, yet he did not feel unrested the morning after. Insomnia took the elf, as well, as he stared blankly out to the open fields. Eventually, the elf turned to Drokn, asking for permission to lay next to him. As the demon undoubtedly agreed, the elf snuggled deep within the demon's chest, breathing in his scent, feeling his pulsating heartbeat. Gripping tightly, as if he wanted the sensation to be etched into his memory.

Walking no longer felt like a chore to the demon, whose strides turned long, not the faintest fatigued felt. It was not until Vrona had forcefully stopped Drokn for a break that he paused in his steps, using the explanation that Drokn had to conserve his strength for the big battle.

Vrona filled in the other two of the plan so far. How there are others at the palace they would have to meet up with and strategize, to which Drokn wondered how they would even get into the palace without being in the prison the next moment.

He didn't bother to ask. He was more powerful now. He could do anything with brute force, anyway.

"You're a key component to this plan, Drokn," Vrona stated as they continued their walk. "When a ruler is gone, we need a replacement immediately to not cause anxiety and chaos within the people."

Drokn envisioned himself, striking down the king and stepping forward a new king, He'd smile at the people and ensure he'd be the best king that could happen to them.

Noticing the dark grin spreading on the demon's face, Vrona smirked and playfully smacked the demon's back. "Don't get too caught up in your fantasies, now. Remember why you're doing this."

In the far distance, the heights of the cities spared into view, grazed by the shadows of a few larger clouds. Drokn's heart tingled. A moment he had been waiting for, striving for, training for, so close. Unintentionally, the excitement caused a few sparks of dark magic around his hands. Suddenly, he felt the gentle hold of someone on his wrist. He could tell without even looking that it was the elf's soft hand.

"Don't waste your energy," Eial smiled. As the magic in the demon's hand faded, the elf slowly brought his hand down, curving his fingers around the demon's hand.

Looking down towards the elf, the demon's grin grew less sinister and more the excitement of a child. He twisted his hand and intertwined his fingers with the elf's. Waving their interlocked fingers a few times with each step, he then brought their hands up and giddily placed a kiss atop the elf's.

Rumblings of thunder manifested during their last night outside the territory. They'd taken shelter under a tree and under the disguise of the elf's barrier on the backside of a small hill. It was odd seeing the cities —specifically these well kept cities that were near to the palace— so close to them. The moment became more tangible, yet also unreal as if a dream.

While the demon daydreamed, the elf felt quite the opposite.

As he put up the barrier, he had subconsciously tested the vibrations of their surroundings on habit, a practice he used to make sure he was safe and away from others. And that's when he took notice to it.

Not that he hadn't felt the pricks of his skin prior, something unsettling in the air. But he waved it off, his mind concerning with other events. Assuming his unsettled emotions were for another reason. However, with putting up the barrier, the elf felt waves of—


Of all the elements.

Similar to the crater, the elemental magic intertwined, speckled through the ground, speckled through the air..

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