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Duke Cercis struggled with the tie of his robe while he matched our pace. "You are not staying for breakfast?"

"We appreciate your hospitality, but to make it to the capital on time, we must leave right this moment." Stopping on the front steps, I turned and bent forward in a respectful bow. "Again, thank you for your kindness and for your willingness to aid my soldiers and me."

A smile split his face. "It was nothing. I hope you will visit again soon. You know my door is always open for you."

"Thank you. Until next time." To Duke Cercis' great elation, my fist rose to tap the center of my chest plate in a military salute.

"Gentlemen, salute!" At Calim's call, every knight in the yard tapped their chest in unison.

The trip to Southbridge, for the most part, was uneventful. Our only challenge; Herding a group of very stubborn elk out of the trail. Several men sported black eyes and bruises after the encounter. A clear sign of how the elk felt about the interruption of their pasturing.

In the distance, a deep river glistened like a diamond in the sunlight as it circled the grand pale, stone wall that surrounded the city. An extra layer of protection against intruders.

Raised, stone, pier-like structures connected the capital to the rest of the kingdom. Providing the only way to get in and out of the fortress. There are four drawbridges in total —Northbridge, Westbridge, Southbridge, and Eastbridge. These structures are under surveillance day and night. No one goes through them without stopping at one of the checkpoints for inspection. Making it a difficult task for those who want to infiltrate the city.

Our caravan was directed to the gazebo-like structure at the end of the platform and we greeted the guards.

After checking our wagons, the guards shouted, "Drop the bridge!" and waved a green flag to signal the bridge keepers.

The imposing dark wood drawbridge came down with thunderous resound. Completing the other half of the bridge.

High, light stone structures and roads came into my line of sight as we crossed the river. Wooden signs painted in every vibrant color known to man hung from the walls of the buildings. Showing through their creative designs what the establishment had to offer.

The tapping of hundreds of footsteps echoed on the street. Well-dressed people littered the sidewalks as we weaved through the traffic. Going about their daily routines without sparing a glance in our direction.

A gentle breeze blew down the street, wafting the sweet, crisp aroma of baked bread through the air. My eyes darted to the bakery tucked between the tailor and shoemaker shop at the street curb. I need to make a stop there before I go home. My stomach growled with the promise of hot, out-of-the-oven bread and pastries.

Towards the center of the capital, the palace's golden domes seemed to glow with the light of the sun. Guiding us like a lighthouse in the vast sea of buildings. We stopped at the intricate front gate and waited for approval from the guards at the entrance.

"Supreme Commander Iskander Ilberd Nubilus and Grand Commander Calim Acoma requesting entrance. We bring suspects of treason for trial." Announced Calim.

The golden-clad Royal Knight nodded in approval. On cue, the guards under his command opened the gate. Allowing our caravan to continue its course to the palace down a stone-paved road.

As soon as we pulled up at the marble courtyard, royal knights marched out of the palace to gather the suspects.

"I was requested to escort you to the throne room, your grace." Announced one of the knights when I dismounted.

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