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Twenty Six

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Casimir and I rely on candlelight to chase away the night as we lie atop the roof of his cabin, staring at the stars dotting the sky. Our arms barely brush but I can feel his warmth from beneath the shared blanket. It's old and scratchy, but he's had it ever since I've known him, and it provides me with a familiar warmth.

"Are you even listening to me?" Casimir asks, expression pinched as he turns his head to stare at me.

"We've been over the plan a hundred times—"

"One more won't hurt."

"In the history of plans, tomorrow nights is the most basic. All I have to do is be a damsel in distress." He frowns at the phrase. "It'll be okay."

"If you get any sense that they're going to hurt you—"

"Run. I know."

"Run and hide. I'll come and get you. I don't care what Trina wants." He tightens his grip on my hand. "I won't lose you, Frey. Not tomorrow night, not ever."

I squeeze his hand, closing my eyes. The air is unusually warm. When I think of losing Casimir, my heart pounds in a way that I'm afraid it might stop. But there's so much about tomorrow night that we can't predict. The entire plan assumes that the shifters will care who I am, and we all know the chances are slim.

If it weren't for the fact that Casimir respects my autonomy, I'm not so sure he'd let this plan go ahead at all. I wouldn't even be anywhere near the deserters in the first place if he'd had it his way. And in this moment, lying beneath the stars with my head on his shoulder, I understand why he lied. Why he hid. Why he wasn't sorry.

Because I would do the same thing to protect him.

"Will you be around tomorrow?" I ask.

"I'll be helping Elex with preparations. Everything had to be perfect."

I sigh, slumping down. "What am I supposed to do then?"

"Go to school, act normal."

"You really think I'll be able to focus on schoolwork knowing what's happening? Why can't I just spend time with you?"

He sits up, staring down at me, blue eyes serious. "Go to school, Freya. Have lunch with your friends. Make fun of Professor Fin. Spend some time around Cadence. Cherish your moments with your friends. You never know when you might see them again."

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

You never know when you might see them again.

My mind makes a correction: You never know if you'll see them again.


Adding to the bright blue sky outside school, Cadence is a ray of sunshine. Even as she sits quietly in class, tracing the tip of her pencil against the table, her warmth and brightness radiates throughout the room.

I wonder if I'm the only one to notice.

She looks up, feeling my stare, and drags a hand down her face as Professor Fin rambles about the upcoming quiz. "I just don't understand why we can't do it tomorrow," she whispers. "We all kind of have bigger things to think about right now."

"Cadence," Professor Fin warns.

She rolls her eyes and makes a face at me. I can't help but smile.

The class feels emptier than usual, which isn't strange considering many people are often tasked with helping their parents secure their homes for the Red Moon. Killian didn't turn up, either, which makes me wonder if he's where Casimir is.

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