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Melrose Faith.

Mel sighed as he held the pendant in his hand, his mother had made sure Sparrow flew right then when he told her what was going on, now he just needed to make it stronger, it could withstand two archs, he needed it to withstand four. "Thanks mom." He whispered to himself as he drew the angelic rune for celestial power on the ground, then placed the circular golden disk, shaped into a pendant above it, moonstone ore north, stardust south, mana from nature east, and the protection runes west, he placed them all in order then allowed the glamour on his body to fade away, he knew he needed to concentrate to get this right and a glamour would take away from that. The symbol beneath resonated with his power once he poured energy onto it, the moonstone ore was first, it liquidized itself and moved over to the pendant, molding itself into the gold by his will, then stardust sparkled and moved into the air before it sprinkled itself onto the moonstone infused pendant, green tented waves of mana spiraled into the what was now a gem that gleamed with power, it changed its colour into the shades of a rainbow as the triquetra etched itself on either side of the pendant, lastly were the runes of protection that burned onto the endges of the pendant and created it's chain making the binding unbreakable.

Mel knew what ever would happen the relic he had just created by his will with celestial power would stop the other arcs from ganging up on Necmi, whatever they were planning, it would protect him. So he sighed, then waved his hand over his body placing the glamour back on, it wasn't yet time, the world couldn't know that all six next heads of the great houses were at Harwin, even if the demon which would attack soon knew, he just had to hope. Deciding to get some sleep, Mel rolled onto his bed, he knew tomorrow was going to be a long day, in fact a long week since the battles were taking place according to hierarchy, though Harry just had to make the arch angels go first since it's the one battle everyone was anticipating, he wanted to give them a show. Hopefully it wouldn't go sideways, crash and burn, he could only have faith.

the next day ~ Arena.

It was what you expected when titans clashed without violence on the spectators, everyone wanted to see who was the stronger one, who would stand tall above the rest, who would remain standing when all was said and done. "I can't wait, I'm so excited, go Necmi!" Laurie yelled bouncing up and down next to her boyfriend, he was just as excited but less loud about it, they all were anticipating an outcome which was in their favour, but this was a battle with powerful individuals who would either honour their families or destroy themselves trying to get that honour, it was a tough situation.

Inside the dome created for the purpose of containing power within, Necmi was on the ground, feet crossed and eyes closed, he was focusing on gathering every bit of energy for whatever was to come because he knew it wouldn't be easy. "Are you that scared Necmi, you're already twisting into a ball." Cleo taunted with a snicker as the headmaster beyond the dome stood up. "Let the second test of the Archaic begin!" He announced but another signal was to be hailed so that they could begin and it was given in the form of a war horn echoing in the silent stadium, Inside the dome Cleo was the first one to move as she lashed out her whip at Necmi, the taller boy dodged flipping back only to meet face to face with Kean whose eyes glowed and energy pulsed to his hand blasting it at Necmi,  the boy caught the whip trying to cut him and dragged Cleo foward, he then shot up into the sky dodging Kean's attack which hurtled toward Cleo and on impact exploded into a fire that reached the dome.

The onlookers flinched as the blast was that powerful, Necmi now knew two of them were trying to gang up on him, he had to pick an easier opponent between the two and eliminate them, and he chose Cleo, so he dove down at an incredible speed materializing a weapon made of holy light in his palm and slashing at the recovering Cleo, the blade went right at her torso, then her back in quick successive slashes, Necmi could feel another attack coming so he raised a wall of holy light that blocked Kean from attacking him, he focused on Cleo who had regained herself but was breathing hard. "Lets play." She hissed pulling a spear from her back and threw it at Necmi, when he dodged it Cleo was right above him with both fists clenched to pummel him but it didn't go as plan, Necmi dropped to the ground, with him the wall, just then a blazing sword impaled Cleo throwing her to the ground groaning, Kean wasn't giving up.

Harwin Academy.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ