Chapter 11

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I open my eyes again and see that I'm no longer lying on the floor but in the bed instead.

What the fuck

I look around the room alert.

We the fuck moved me!?

I don't find anyone but I stay awake for the rest of the night.


I'm sitting up while my arms are wrapped around my legs.

I look around when suddenly a knock sounds on the door.

I flinch not expecting it.

My heart pounds harshly in my throat from the scare.

John would always enter the basement like that, just randomly knock. I never knew when so I could never prepare myself for a beating.

I look at the door for a few seconds before I call out for the person to come in.

The door opens and Alec walks in, "breakfast is soon" is all he says before turning back around and leaving.

I keep looking at the door for a few more seconds before I slowly get out of bed.

No beating

Okay, that's good.

I can have a few more hours.

I walk to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth and face before I brush my hair.

I get dressed in my clothes from yesterday and put my washed underwear and socks from yesterday on.

I take my phone and hide it in my pocket before I start limping my way downstairs.

The pain is getting worse and unfortunately I can't take any medication.

I'll fall asleep and I don't want that.

I stop when I'm almost downstairs since the pain becomes unbearable.

I sit down on the stairs and take a few small breaths since taking deep ones only makes my ribs hurt more.

Slowly I start going down the rest of the stairs by sitting on my ass.

When I'm finally down, I get up again and continue limping my way to the dining room.

I'm really not hungry right now.

Wait? Who am I to think that I'll even get food.

I slowly limp in the dining room and go to sit down in the same place as yesterday- the only free spot.

The second I'm sitting down all the guys start reaching out for the food.

I don't do that.

I just look at the others with my hood of my hoodie down.

They didn't like it yesterday- me having my hood on I mean.

So today I'll just don't but I'm making sure that my hair covers the handprint on my cheek and the swollen cut.

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