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"You never did tell me what you're reading" Tristans voice made me snap my head up, ripping me for the pages as he played with the pen in his hand. He smiled, glancing at the laptop in his lap and setting his pen down on a different spiraled notebook labeled: Anthropology.

"Oh..." was all I managed, feeling a little embarrassed that I was sat across from him with my nose buried in a romance novel while he continued to review notes regardless if he finished midterms.

"I'm tired of school related work, save. Me." he playfully begged, shutting his laptop and setting that aside as well. We'd been sitting here for about an hour, enjoying the company of one another as we silently had our heads in different things.

"I'm...uh" the blush was inevitable as I tried to explain.

"I'm not sure you'll like it" I cleared my throat, fiddling with the corners of the pages.

Tristan stared at me for a moment before moving from his seat across from me to the open space right beside me, his tall frame looking over my shoulder at the pages with a smile.

"Try me" he said, his voice low and raspier than usual, making me swallow and tilt my head down to hide the heat in my face.

His leg brushed against mine as the right side of his body hovered behind the left side of mine. He wasn't fully touching me but the warmth radiated from his body as well as his scent.

A scent I thought'd I'd completely forgotten up until now, it being one of the most familiar things I've smelled in such a long time.

"It's a romance...the main character being the most fearsome woman one could ever come across, there wasn't a person who didn't cower under her stare" I started, trying to hide the envy I had for the character. Not that I want to be feared, but to have her strength and confidence, those two alone give a person a power within themselves.

"Then she meets a man...who's the total opposite, very sunshiny, if you will" I smiled, using the same word that came to mind when meeting Nate earlier.

"Doesn't even flinch at the sight of her and it's just...she does everything in her power to protect him, save him even. Regardless of the consequences she might face or how far she really goes he just...loves her" I finished, gulping as I did, realizing Tristan hasn't interrupted me once.

I turned my head to look up at him, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as his eyes stared into my soul.

"Sounds like a very promising read" he mumbled, still with that low voice causing my breath to hitch in my throat as it felt like he'd leaned closer.

Did he?

"V!" A familiar voice from across the way yelled, making me pull away in the swiftest moment. I looked down in my lap, hoping to cool the heat in my face as quickly as possible.

I could've sworn a sigh of frustration escaped Tristan from beside me but I was so caught in steadying my own breathing to really nitpick the sound.

When I felt alright to look up, I could see Thomas and Maya jogging over to the two of us.

Thomas looked confused and concerned at Tristans presence while Maya looked almost content. Not proud or happy about it, but accepting of the moment.

"Hey" I beamed, hoping I didn't look too flushed.

"Hey T" Maya waved while Thomas gave him an awkward nod.

"Hey...Maya, Tommy" Tristan smiled, a tight lip smile, but nevertheless.

"Luke is taking Hayden to your grandmas for the night because she was more than willing and we're all getting drinks in celebration of midterms being over!" Maya beamed excitedly.

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