Motorcycle Collision

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(Clark whooshed home to change out of his suit and tie, he sped upstairs and came downstairs wearing his red and blue shirt and jacket)

(He was still feeling weird after his kiss with Lois a few nights ago.. as the Blur...)

(She hadn't been her usual self either she had made up a fake superhero called Stiletto to help her career and then dressed up like her...though none of that was on Clark's mind at the moment)

(He heard a motorcycle of some kind, a loud one approaching from a distance, he'd never heard anything quite like it, definitely not the motorcycles he was used to riding while on Red Kryptonite anyway)

(He sped out of the house and ran super quick down the road as the sun went down and the day became night)

(He skidded to a stop when he saw it...a man dressed in all black was barelling straight towards him...and showed no signs of stopping)

Clark: "Stop!"

(The driver didn't notice him, he was lost in thought, wondering whether he should retire after everything that just went down)

Clark: "Stop! You're gonna hit someone!"

(Hearing those particular words triggered a recent memory that stunned the driver)

"I want ya to do it. I want ya ta do it, come on! C'mon hit me. C'mon hit me!!"

(He looked up and could only see The Joker, so he stepped on it)

Batman: "Argghhh!!!!"

Clark: "Don't hit me!"

(The Bat Pod bounced off Clark's knee like a trampoline and launched Batman and the Bat Pod into a nearby fence)

(Clark rushed over to check on him and was startled when he got a close up look at the dressed up strange man)

Clark: "Something tells me you're not from Kansas...are you?"

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