6 years later

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Now, we are here as after 6 years let's see what's going on y/n's and other lives...

y/n pov.

Hello, long time see and in these 6 years, many things changed as Nishi and Sheryansh got married and Aashi and Aryan also got married they both had a love marriage and I am here SINGLE ( a/n- same here bro), and I have to drop the Artist career as I got a job in one of the biggest company and I become IPS officer. And about BTS they are right now busy with World Tour and for the last 6 years we only talked in called and VC only and from others too...And most interesting thing is that I got some more brothers and sisters. You might be confused about how? Let me tell you...


Y/n pov. 

I am here sitting on one of the grounds in my college and missing everyone as I was thinking with whom to talk but my phone started ringing then I saw it was hobi bhai calls. 

Y/n- hello bhai.

Hobi- hello sunshine, how are you? are you free? what are you doing?

Y/n- relax bhai I am sitting in the garden of college and I am fine and yes I am free now and how are you and all?

Hobi- everyone is alright and someone wants to talk to you.

y/n- who?

??- US!!!

Y/n- OMG!! BP 

Lisa- hello I am Lisa

Jennie- Hello, I am Jennie

Rose- Hello, I am rose

Jisso- Hello, I am Jisso

Y/n- hello, I am y/n SIngh

Lisa- we know they talk about you every time 

Y/n- how?

Jennie- actually we are friends but no one knows it.

Y/n- oo...

Jisso- just now they were talking about you so we told them that we want to talk to you

Y/n-  Now I am not that special


Y/n- okay I accept. 

then we talked a lot then it was mostly time to go back hostel so I have to take a bye with them

Y/n- okay di and bhai now, I have to go otherwise my hostel gate will be closed and I have to spend my night out or I have to listen to warden scolding.

Rose- that's very dangerous!!

y/n- so much.

THEM- ba-bye

Y/n- ba- bye


Like this, I meet my di or you can say BLACKPINK. and how I meet brothers.


Y/n pov.

In college we were playing Holi an Indian Festival as we all were tired of playing so we sit in the garden and having fun, suddenly my phone vibrates then when I saw who's call it was I got excited but there I made a mistake here when I saw the screen we were not my bhai but Soobin from TXT...  when he saw my face he got scared then throw the phone to hobi bhai 

Hobi- ya Soobin why did you throw the phone?

Soobin - who is that I thought you called y/n.

Hobi- I only called her----AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

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