Chapter 11: Family is Strange

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Elisa's POV

"Aunt Diana, um, not to rude, but-"

"Darling, a good lesson you should learn is that if you think it could be rude, it's rude. Just spit it out." She told me.

"Why is this necessary? I feel like you."

She smirked, "Good. Feeling like me must be a relief."

I sighed and closed my eyes as she continued to stab my face with her makeup brushes.

Aunt Diana could not be any more different than Dad. She was the exact image of a woman who spent her days looks at a mirror. Something she had in common with Knockout, I suppose.

"Turn." She ordered and I quickly did.

Optimus was not happy that I had to leave, but I assured him that I would get back as soon as possible. Agent Fowler gave me a phone with everyone's number so that I could contact them the moment I was ready to come back.

Of course, I was ready to go back before I even left the base, but no one could tell my aunt no. She was just that kind of person.

"Okay, open your eyes and stay still." Aunt Diana ordered.

I nodded and she tried to shove some black stick into my eyes.

"What- what are you doing!?" I asked, quickly leaning away.

"It's mascara, darling, I'm not going to kill you." She scoffed.

I resisted the urge to groan and let her brush my eye hairs with the black stick. I mean, why do people like to brush their eye hairs?

Ugh, I hope she doesn't plan on coating my nose hairs in that stuff too. I shivered at the thought of it.

"Oh my great goodness, Elisana! Stop flinching!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry! Usually people don't move sticks on the edge of my eyes!" I complained.

"Well, someone has to show you what it is to be a proper lady. And your mother is far too busy." She told me.

"I get around just fine the way I am." I grumbled.

"Yes, when I look at you, I see a beautiful young lady with so much potential. You've got that natural vibe around you and it's gorgeous. But you've also got that I-was-raised-in-a-barn vibe too." She explained.

"I was not raised in a barn." I frowned.

"I know. You were raised somewhere worse." Aunt Diana told me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Elisana! Stop moving!" She complained.

I growled in frustration. There was a strong urge to pull my knives from my boots, but then again, I wasn't allowed to wear shoes inside the house, so they were left outside.

My favorite boots. My only boots. My knives, my bandages, my poison pills, my jacket, my tools, my ropes, my- She left everything in a bin outside!

I was going to steal that bin the moment I got the chance and send it to the base so she couldn't burn it or whatever other insane scheme she cooked up for my personal belongings.

What really bothered me though was the fact that she took my pens. My pens.

If it was anyone other than Raf, Optimus, or Aunt Diana, I would have attacked them for taking my pens.

And I just got them yesterday! Ugh!

"Done! Perfect. Alright, let's get you out of those... clothes." Aunt Diana smiled tightly before clapping.

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