The Date - Razexfem!reader

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Art: @RaccoonInAHat in Twitter

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"It's so pretty..." You said referring to the massive rollercoaster ahead of you. It looked so intricate yet it made you so nervous at the same time.

"Yes it is..." Raze muttered under her breath as she looked right into your eyes, speechless at your beauty.

Your eyes widened in response, a flush of pink strayed on your face, too embarrassed to utter a single word. Something about her just made you feel like a thousand butterflies flew right in your stomach. You've had a crush on raze for quite a while now... Almost everyone knows about your "Will they-Won't they" relationship with her. Sometimes it made you overthink... but, you couldn't really say much.. What if raze doesn't take you seriously and is just having fun y'know?

It was your off-day and the gang decided to go to a theme park to celebrate the day off instead of slouching around playing games at home. Normally you'd avoid any events that involve you going out of your house but when Raze herself asked you out... You didn't have it in you to refuse–especially when she sounded so excited.

"Alright, can you guys stop being all dazzly. We get it you're in-love! We need to go on the actual ride like for God sa-" Jett said in annoyance before Sage's hand quickly covered her mouth and dragged her away from the both of you.

You were both currently in line, waiting to be the next group of people to go on the ride. You've been waiting for half an hour now, and it seems as if everyone was a little bit agitated. Not you though. Not when you had Raze with you.

You and her giggled at the commotion, not noticing how Raze gently slid her hand to yours. Oh god... why does she have to do things like that..? You're honestly so confused about everything... You both say that you don't want a relationship but the next moment, the both of you are acting like an actual couple...

"Wanna get out of here...?" she asked quietly, shooting up that smile of hers.

You were a little hesitant but nodded your head as a yes and all of a sudden Raze took your hand firmly and ran away with you from the group, sneaking out of the line of crowded people.

"W-where are we going?" You asked, not sure where she was leading you to.

"It's a surprise! Shh!" she giggled as the two of you finally escaped the line, going towards the ferris wheel.

Both of you came to a stop as soon as you entered the line for the Ferris wheel. Raze looked over at you, her face lighting up with a challenging smirk.

"You're not afraid of heights are you?" She asked as she led you closer to her.

You looked at her speechless. Heights don't bother you much but the thought of her and you alone in the Cart, stunned by the view of the Carnival made you extremely flustered. It bothered you. But not in a bad way. More of in a way where you sometimes can't control your heart from pounding every time she even spared a glance at you.

"If you are, don't worry Amor. I got you." She said.

Suddenly, you heard a commotion from the back of the line, a couple arguing. What seems to be a young lady with silver hair threw a bag at her boyfriend. She screamed and yelled at him, banging her fists on his chest. He tries to calm her down but is pushed back as he stumbles close to you.

Thankfully, Raze was there. She pulls you to her chest as she turns her back against the man, protecting you from him.

"Hey! Watch where you're going man??" She said to the confuzzled man.

Thankfully nothing big happened since you were called out by the ride conductor. You and Raze quickly escape to go to the cart. Her mood was a little ruined by the couple but you tried your best to calm her down.. Just once touch of your hand instantly softened her expression.

She took a deep breath and sat down next to you. Her face was quite melodic, at peace. She had no idea how you did it, the two of you were like copies of each other but the small differences were so sweet, you both complimented each other so well and yet you had no label.

"I love you Amor..." she whispered in a quiet tone as she placed her head on your shoulders.

"Hm?" You asked not quite getting what she said.

"Nothingg" She said as she giggled next to you. She was quite a mischievous type really but when you're with her, she feels as if she's balanced.

Although, the relationship between the two of you was never clear to be frank. You both know you like each other judging through your actions, the flirting, the hand holding, everything. Although, not once did the both of you assure each other what you truly were. It was sweet but at the same time it was pure toture.

You've always had the urge to ask actually but... you felt like you didn't have the right to.. I mean- Raze isn't your girlfriend. She can do whatever she wants to do in her life. Heck- if she stopped giving you attention and started to give it to others, you had no right to complain... You didn't want to seem desperate or even just... in love...

Love hurts and the pain you endured was already enough... You didn't want it to happen again but something in you just wanted to scream. It wanted to ask so badly.. So you opened your mouth to convey the message but before you did, Raze continued your sentence.

"What are-" To your surprise, both you and Raze asked the question. "What are we..?" She asked.

She raised her head away from your shoulders and looked at you flustered that you would ask too. An awkward silence entered as the both of you were almost at the top of the ferris wheel.

"Uhm..." You mumbled, not knowing what to say. You stared at each other's eyes intimately, the moment was just perfect... you were literally at the top of the world when she suddenly asked,

"Can I.... be yours..?" She asked with a slight tint of shyness in her overexcited exterior.

Your eyes light up as you sit straight. Just the way she said it- You wanted to scream, jump, kiss her- but before you could say anything, her hands reached out to your face and she gave you a deep, intricate kiss.

Your heart was pounding, it was beating faster than it could ever. You swore you were about to die of a heart attack but before she pulled away, she gave you a small peck on the cheek and that- that was just it.

"You already are..." You whispered under breath, taking in the full view of the place.


Neon held up her mango-flavored ice cream pop as she squinted her eyes, looking at the Ferris wheel. She squinted her eyes further, as she noticed Raze kissing someone.

"Y/n?!?!?" she exclaimed out loud as she noticed your face the moment Raze pulled away.

"YO GUYS-" she turned around to the rest of the group confused and surprised at the scene only to find Jett taking pictures, Sage looking calm and the others not even bothering to at least act surprised.

Was she the only one who didn't notice....

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