6: don't go

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Ryder's POV:

I can feel the shift in the air as we lay together.

It's almost as if the regret is pouring off of her, penetrating the air. I can feel her need to get away, causing me to do the only thing I know to do. I still my breathing, pretending to be asleep.

I even mutter a "don't go"

And I am rewarded with exactly what I want.

It's as if the air lightens, and she seizes her need to move away.

I can feel her eyes on me, as I mutter her name.

Dropping my voice to a low whisper.

I know this will effect her.

It's exactly what I want and need.

I can feel the walls she built slowly crumbling down, until eventually she will be exactly where I want her.

I need to show just enough vulnerability.

Make her see another side of me.

This is the side she will grow to love.

And once she grows to love this side,
it will only be a matter of time until I show her my true self. It will be nearly impossible for her to not accept me once that bond is formed.

And I am so close to reaching it.

Honestly, she's caving faster than I thought she would. When she kissed me back, I truly was stunned for a moment. I thought it would take a lot more than some desperate pleas. For someone who was so against me in the beginning, she doesn't realize how quickly she is falling into my hand.

Soon, I will be the only one that matters in her world. She won't want to live or breathe without me. She will accept me, all of me. I knew when I saw her, she was the right one. She would be the one to learn to love and accept me.

The others were mere mistakes.

Impulses I couldn't control.

But Layla, she was and is a well constructed plan.

I take it by the end of the week, she will be close to fully molded.

This may sound wrong, but I have no other options. I truly love this woman. But I also have an animalistic urge to possess her.

I lay there until I finally hear Layla drift into sleep.

Opening my eyes, I take a moment to admire my woman.

A woman with such beauty other women would kill for it.

Such beauty any man would dream of owning her.

The thought of this enrages me, and I have to steady my breathing, trying to calm myself.

She's yours, Ryder.

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