12-July-2022 | Sadness

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Ello ello, 

It's unintentionally been a while since I checked in with you all, and honestly, I've loved the break but I'm ripping off the plaster to jump back in on Wattpad. 

I was writing Luna Eclipse, a story I adore and want to write about, but NovelHD has stolen the story - because it's a website that has a foundation of a computer algorithm, there's no humans nor humanity behind it, it means that as soon as they steal a story, it will continue to steal it as long as you update it. So, for now, it's unofficially on hold. 

And, Siren Bay, has only the epilogue left, but I don't have the heart or energy to write it. I know how it'll go, but I also am not in the right head space for goodbyes. 

I've spent the past few months, mentally, rather strained, like butter scraped over too much bread. I'm working again, have been for almost a year now, and I'm trying to catch up on what I've missed in unemployment, and be an asset to my workplace and take on seminars and classes to be up to date on everything, and it's been a lot on my mind. 

My health is, well, 'stable' at the moment but I'm still between doctors appointments and have had some mishaps with bookings and information and all of that too. 

With all of this, and the fact that I'm almost certain that if I upload a new story on Wattpad it will be leeched by NovelHD thanks to being targeted by its algorithm, I've just been too tired to write. 

I was angry at first by the theft, but there's nothing else I can do. I can't go up against AI, you know? It's like trying to bitch-slap the ocean. 

So now I'm just sad. 

I've realised I've spent almost ten years on Wattpad, but I don't feel the desire to put my work on this site knowing that it's going to be stolen no matter what I do - and there's nothing Wattpad can do either, as the NovelHD servers are overseas. 

I started writing because I wanted to expand my creativity, to write stories about strength and power and escaping my reality by living in another - I'm not in it for money, for a career in publishing, it's just me, my stories, my characters, all these worlds in my head putting down on paper. 

I'm not ready to say goodbye - and I don't want to. But my stories being stolen is a wake up call for me; that I really need a holiday, a break, some time away from writing online to reawaken my creativity and my passion for stories. 

All the stories I've written will stay, and I'll keep going with these updates, I'll try to make them more regular, but after finishing Siren Bay I'll stop for a bit, I think. 

I'll try Luna Eclipse when I'm eager to write - Greta's story requires passion, drive, cunning, and a little wrath, and that's something I don't have right now. I'd like to keep going with the short stories, they're one off standalone chapters so I could manage those. 

I'm just...really sad, is all. 

I've not looked at notifications in months, or my inbox or profile messages, I just don't have the energy to look at any spam messages or weird links. 

But, to add a little light to this rather somber and dark post, annotating Typhoon & Tempest is bringing back my desire to create. I'm remembering, like, how much T&T means to me and how much I put into this story of finding power and inner strength, finding light after so much dirt, living after being frozen numb for so long. 

T&T is a reminder to us all - that it's okay to have dark moments, low moments, sad and tiresome days, as long as you remember your strength and power and that tomorrow, you can move forward from your frozen times. 

So, that's my little update. Sorry it's not happier, cheerier, but this is so real, so me, and it was time to inform you of why I was silent and where I'm at now. 

I hope you're all happy, healthy, safe and well. 

Lots of love to you all, 

Libby xx

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