Chapter 27

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"Kade," someone whispered lowly, causing me to jump in surprise and notice I was tied to a chair. I was still kinda woozy and the voice shocked me. I got scared it might've been Jackson being creepy, but it was a woman's voice.

A familiar one, at that.

"J-Jade?" I asked in shock. Where was she? I squinted hard in the dim moonlight and I found a slight figure over to the right of me. She was strapped to a chair too, more securely than I though.

"Shh. He's gonna come if he hears you," he whispered urgently.

"I get it. Where are we? Why are we here?" I threw my questions at her, expecting answers.

"We are in cabin, don't know where. And I'm here because I was trying to warn you about him but he caught me first," she said regretfully. "You're here because, well, he wants to be with you. He has an obsession with you, as he had other people. They didn't end up too well."

I swallowed hard at the realization.

Jackson? Really? He had only been in intern for about 4 months. I had only just met him. Exactly how long had he had this 'obsession' with me? He couldn't have known me personally, as I had barely talked to him at work. So was it actually him behind the events that happened in the past? Messing with my relationships? If so, then what of my brother? And how did Jade know Jackson?

And what did she mean by they didn't end up well? Hundreds of answers formed in my mind and they absolutely terrified me.

As my mind did backflips and things of the sort, I heard the door squeak open and the lights flashed on. The bright light stung my eyes and I squeezed them shut.

"Ah, you're awake. I have some important things to discuss with you-"

"Jackson! Wait! Can you just think this over? Please?" Jade urged with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

He silently walk up to Jade and gave her a very much audible slap that left a bright red mark. "You don't mean anything to me at all, you back stabbing traitor. You're an insignificant fly to me now. You're only here to witness the event of Kade becoming mine entirely," he snarked. He looked at her like she was a disgusting price of trash.

"No-, I d-didn't-, I j-just meant-, I didn't mean to," she sobbed out and hung her head low, suffering from the heavy verbal abuse. "Jacky, I know you. You wouldn't do things this extreme," she tried again but just earned another painful slap. She cried from the harsh contact and her buddy limped in the chair from utter defeat.

"You don't know me, only the one you want to see. I only kept you by my side because you were nice and would follow orders. But look at what you've done, look at how you ended up. This is all your fault," he hissed back. I felt bad for Jade. I had known her for a bit and she was always kind hearted. And for Jackson to convey his feelings so violently terrified me. I trembled with fear as i finally understood my ultimate position.

He look over to me, disregarding Jade's sobs completely, and his face immediately filled with joy as he bounded over to me.

"I'm sooo sorry you had to see that Darling. But she was trying to get in the way of our relationship, so I had to do something. You understand right?" I froze in fear while he just examined my face. He caressed my cheek and I instinctively pulled back. He forcefully pulled my face back and rested his hand there before talking sternly. "There's no reason to be afraid of me, Darling. I won't hurt you, you're mine now an and I'll take care of you."

No, no, no. I belonged with Zane, I knew it down in the deepest trenches of my heart. I looked him in the eye and shook my head no, stop to shook and choked up to say it.

He started to get angry but then calmed down. "Yes, you do. You just don't know it yet, since someone's blocking you from seeing the truth. But I'll get rid of him for you, since he's getting in the way."

My eyes opened wide as I interpreted the meaning being those words. Get rid of him?

My breath quickened at the thought of losing him. I couldn't, ever.

His eyes became dark as he noticed my behavior. Like a scary dark. He did look off the rockers, like he would abuse someone if he didn't get his way. Which he's already shown for me. I tried to cover my emotions and plaster a fair smile on my face. I didn't really know if it showed though, I was still very anxious on the inside.

He smiled. "There we go. See? I knew you would come around," he said, glaring for a second at Jade, who had stopped crying and was just sitting there hopelessly, like she had lost her light.

Just then, his phone rang loudly, causing me to flinch. I was still scared out of my mind. Who'd ever think they would end up in a situation like this?

He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID before a wicked smile formed.

"Hello, Zane," he said calmly while eyeing me. I tried my best to keep a straight face and gaze down but my heart and mind raced. Zane. He would find me, for sure.

I heard yelling on the other end before he spoke. "Oh, he's right here. My Darling is in sight, as I won't let him out of it anytime soon," he said as he tried to touch my face again but I couldn't help pulling my head away from him.

"He'll get a punishment though, if he keeps rejecting me," he directed the comment at me with spite. I needed to just agree with whatever, but I couldn't find it in me to do so. I've already accepted Zane into my life fully.

"You do? Well, sure. I'll bring him to you," he ensured. "I wouldn't anyway, he's too precious," he said after a bit. I wanted to say something, but I knew it wouldn't help this situation. I wanted to find a way out of this myself, but I was utterly useless.

"Ok, fine. I'll meet you at the park." He hung up the phone and squatted down, laying his head on my thigh. I wanted to move my leg from his undesired touch, but it was tightly strapped to the chair. He stayed there, without moving or saying anything for a while until he abruptly started snickering. Which turnt into full on laughter.

He was definitely of his goddamn meds.

I looked at him with absolute horror and he looked up at me with sinister eyes. You could just tell he had something wicked brewing in his head.

"Don't worry Darling. I won't let him get to you. Anyway, looks like I've got somewhere to be," he said as he got up. What? I thought he was bringing me al well.

"A-Am I not c-coming?" I managed to ask with a shaker voice.

"Of course not," he said simply. "You don't need to witness a murder. It might tarnish your pure mind."

Huh? Murder? Zane. Murder Zane? That couldn't happen. It can't. Not my love.

"No. Y-you can't kill him. I love him," I spoke without realizing. We both took in my words and I trembled ever more, scared he was gonna slap me or something for saying that.

He looked at me blankly and with pity before speaking. "No, Darling, you don't. He's just deluded you to make you think that. And I'll kill him for it. I'M the one who loves you, and who you love back. You just don't realize it," he said planting his face in front of mine before getting up and leaving, locking the door behind him.

My mind was filled with so many mixed emotions, I didn't even realize the tears streaming down my face.

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