Making love

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Hold your hand
And stare into your eyes.
Touch what is you feel is your prize,
Go slow and deep, my love,
Make me feel every inch.
I had to wait a hundred years for this.
And I'd wait a hundred more
For you darling.

Chuuya's eyes glistened, filled with desperation and want and it made Dazai's legs feel like jelly. He felt so disbelieving that he wasn't moving, he couldn't bring himself to, he was just gulping and sweating profusely, ingraining the image in his mind because it was the most tantalizing thing he'd ever seen. "You just- gonna stand there...? Hah- when I went through all the- mmmf! Effort to plan this out," Chuuya rasped out, his hand not stilling in its movement.

The fatigue that Dazai had felt before had disappeared and instead was replaced with a burning desire that fueled him to walk towards his bed, simultaneously reaching up to tug on his tie and loosen it around his neck.

Chuuya pursed his lips as he watched, Dazai looked so good when he did that.

The younger then crawled up on top of Chuuya, faces mere centimeters away, breathing mingling as they stared at one another.

Even with the position they were in Dazai still had a look that spelt out a lack of credence, eyes wide and pupils dilated, allowing him to study Chuuya who now lay underneath him, his lips parted in concentration.

However, it didn't take very long for Dazai to lean down gently and slot their lips together. Both of them were surprised by the out of place gentleness too, they'd been so high on arousal, so needy to run their hands on each other that they had expected that the moment they get within inches of each other they'd ravish each other until they couldn't breathe.

They'd excepted it to be frantic and quick, like all their other times were but as they pressed their lips and a foreign fluttering feeling overcame their stomachs, they found that neither of them wanted or even felt the need to speed things up, they both wanted it to be slow and sweet and the tenderness of it all was further solidified when Chuuya's brought his hands up to cup Dazai's cheeks, thumb lightly stroking the skin under his eye and the other just sitting still on top of the bandages.

It made Dazai realize and understand that this was his, this moment was his to experience and nobody else's, it wasn't his future self's, it wasn't him watching what could be his, what he wanted to be his; this moment was his, Chuuya right now was his and whether it meant just for the night or for multiple nights didn't matter, Dazai had what he wanted and he wasn't going to make haste.

They parted and then pressed their lips together again, Chuuya brought his hands from Dazai's face and down his chest, slowly working his fingers to undo Dazai's buttons (but now getting very far, only two buttons), allowing Dazai to trail his hands down Chuuya's clothed body, his hands stilling at the olders hips, heart flying.

They parted and stared at each other, both unable to believe that this was really something they were doing and it wasn't just a figment of their imagination, part of them still believed it was, but when Dazai finally spoke,

"how come you're wearing your clothes?" And Chuuya replied with,

"I- I wanted undress me,"

It finally sunk in how real this was.

The taller brought his hand up to tilt his lover's chin towards him, smiling as he pressed their lips together and this time, with the embarrassing confession out in the air, Chuuya felt so desperate to have their bodies flush against each other's that he slid his hands around Dazai's neck pulling him closer, whilst wrapping his legs around his hips, moaning in the kiss when he felt Dazai shuffle slightly and wrap his arms tightly around his waist, kissing him with just as much passion.

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