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Living Toxin

As a captain, an admiral of the empire, and the commander of the entire Golden Crusade, Auston's meals are no different from ordinary soldiers. He eats whatever the cafeteria has. Sometimes when he is too busy, he just takes out a pack of nutritional supplements and eats a pack. Before meeting Ryan, his food requirement was just to fill his stomach.

But the subordinates are always searching for food for the general, and if they find any good ingredients, they will definitely come to Auston's table.

Like the blue-ribbon sailfish before, the best piece of fried fish fillet, other people on the ship can't eat without paying, because the chef will cook it carefully and send it to Auston. Auston, on the other hand, will not feel any difference between this dish and other dishes. He may think that it tastes good and eat a few more bites, but he will never waste people and money because of his appetite.

If it wasn't for Ryan, he would never have known that strawberries were so delicious, so many varieties and so many ways.

The general eats strawberries?

That's not destroying the image.

No one thought of sending cute food full of pink to Auston. In their hearts, it was a thousand miles from the general's image.

Blair raised his eyebrows when he heard Strawberry, "There are strawberries on the ship?"

Ryan sat down on the bed, leaning Auston against himself, which would make him more comfortable, holding his hand tightly. Hearing Blair's question, Lane said, "I planted some in the dorm."

The ship's planting cabin will only grow vitamin-rich fruits, which are mixed with water and made into juice to supplement vitamins and trace elements for all personnel on the ship. Unlike medicine, the wonderful taste of food will bring joy to the mood. Where can I grow strawberries, a small fruit to pass the time? Among the many fruits that have been discovered by humans, strawberries are not the highest in vitamin content, nor do they have special functions.

The kind of little things that decorate the cream cake, in the eyes of many pragmatists, only have an eye-catching function.

"You like strawberries." Blair looked at Auston and emphasized it blankly.

In front of his friend, Auston smiled awkwardly, grabbed the hand beside the quilt and moved, not knowing what to say for the first time.

"Alas." Blair sighed, everything was silent, how could he expect a friend in front of love.


Blair pushed the frameless eyes on the bridge of his nose, put away his carelessness, and said, "Auston, your wound is healing."

"The antidote has not yet been found for the toxin of the female worm." Auston also turned serious. He looked at Blair, "Are you sure my wound is healing?"

"Don't question my judgment." Blair was excited, trembling all over, and walked around the bed in a frenzy. "This is a great discovery that absolutely shocked the world."

Humans do not know which planet the Zerg, the overlord of the universe, came from. They plundered human beings in a tyrannical and savage way. Every time they passed through a planet, they ate up everything on the planet. Humans, animals, plants, and even all kinds of minerals had no effect on food. scruples. What they leave behind are devastated worlds with almost no survivors. They are one of the biggest enemies in the universe of human exploration. Of course, there is also an enemy of human beings themselves.

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