Thirty-Eight: Y/n VS Kakashi

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*On a lovely sunny day at your place*

You're just minding your own business eating your breakfast when suddenly a certain someone enters the scene

Y/n: Today's such a boring day, I have nothing to do. I could go over to Temari or maybe...

Kakashi: Or maybe you could redo the bell test

Y/n: !

The sudden shock makes you spill your cereal all over the floor

Kakashi: Oops

Y/n: Oh come on! I was enjoying that as well!

Kakashi: My bad

Y/n: You bet it's your bad! You're so lucky that the floor is smooth wood! Otherwise I'd have you scrub this floor for hours on end!

Kakashi: Alright I'm sorry

Y/n: You better be!

Kakashi: Anyways, can we talk for a second?

Y/n: Yeah what is it?

Kakashi: Remember when you did the bell test?

Y/n: Yeah why?

Kakashi: Well I've been think...

Y/n: ?

Kakashi: And I came to the conclusion that it wasn't really a test for you was it?

Y/n: Yeah, but please get to the point

Kakashi: So since that's the case would you like to have a match with me?

Y/n: A match?

Kakashi: Yeah, since I know you're fully capable of taking the bell away from me. Would you like to have a fight?

Y/n: I mean sure why not? I have nothing else to do today anyways

Kakashi: That's great let's go

Y/n: Wait!

Kakashi: Huh? What's the matter?

Y/n: I've got to clean this mess up first!

Kakashi: Oh yeah right! Hehe... I'll be waiting for you then

Y/n: Yeah... *Stares Kakashi down*

Kakashi leaves

Y/n: *Sighs* Well better get to cleaning I guess...

After you finish all that you go out and meet Kakashi at the battle area

*At the battlefield*

Y/n: Alright I'm here

Kakashi: Right, but before we start I do want to say that the one rule is try to kill

Y/n: Alright gotcha

Kakashi: Oh and one more thing before we start

Y/n: Hmm?

Kakashi: I'm not going to holding back

Kakashi: I'm not going to holding back

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