CHAPTER [17] - A kiss.

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Water sprayed all over him, and goosebumps spread like an array of light along his skin, crawling up every pore in his body. 

Damsel shrieked, his hands reflexively attempting to block the source, but his eyes stung even more from the effort. "Fuck..!" "Fuck you!" he yelled. Damsel backed away, almost like he was running away from the source of his problems, but Darren only had that stupid grin on his face, grabbing Damsel by the arm, hooking him in place so he couldn't run even if he wanted to.

"Oh, for God's sake-" His breathing became more rapid, the shower-head was in his face, opening his mouth only caused him to choke, and he kept his eyes closed to avoid having to deal with the high-pressure water coming at him; he felt like he was drowning. The more anxious Damsel became, the more irritated he became. "Stop!"

"Why should I?" It was only now that Darren revealed his voice; although Damsel couldn't see it; his face was lined with amusement, like he was messing with the boy. 

"It fucking hurts! Stop!" He shoved Darren. 


did you listen to Samuel when he asked you to stop?"

 Darren grabbed his wrists, tilting his head as he asked the question. His grip on Damsel's wrist wasn't light, you could see the color drain from the area surrounding where he was grasping.

Damsel's fingers trembled, at that moment when his muscles and resistance loosened, Darren shoved Damsel's cold body towards the much colder wall. Moisture was mixed in the air around them,  when Damsel's back made contact with the chilly surface, his shoulders tensed.

Blood rushed through his head, Damsel felt extremely claustrophobic; his heart pace had started picking up, and he was hearing echoes ring in his ear, even the tips of his fingertips felt light.

What was Darren doing? 

"S-Samuel, I know,  I-I wasn't thinking straight at the time!" He managed to rush out the words through the spraying water. His gaze lowered to the ground, his eyelashes were trembling and he knew his limbs were trembling aswell. He so desperately tried to loosen his grip. "Stop!"

"But you didn't back then, did you?"

For fuck's sake. Damsel's heart dropped, he tried shaking off Darren's grasp, but it was no use.

"I-I'm sorry, stop. Fuck!"

Why now, when he was trying to fucking forget it all, why did Darren have to shove it back down his throat; why couldn't he just fucking forget about it? Why did he have to have everything used against him? Just let him go for fuck's sake.


His heart was thundering.


"I'm not going to stop."

What was it like,

Talking to a wall?

Saying words that would never reach the other person.

Darren wouldn't listen to him 

Tears welled up in his eyes, he couldn't even have the balls to look up and meet Darren's eyes, every wall of his body felt like it was starting to crumble down, god; it was so frustrating, so fucking frustrating. 

The spraying water dimmed out everything, it was loud; so loud in his ears. His eardrums were clogged up, everything around him was sounded out, he could barely keep his eyes open, his heart was thundering and slowly, he was nearing an extreme state of panic. It was all going every so slowly, like in slow-motion, the blurred voice of Darren, the sound of the water against his skin, his own voice vocal in his ears. Scream, just scream, he told himself.

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