Chapter 18

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It's official. My little sister is married, and my best friend is no longer a bachelor. The ceremony was beautiful, set against the backdrop of the Caribbean Sea as the waves steadily crashed in the distance. The lovebirds said their vows as the sun started to set.

It was a fairytale wedding, and the two deserved nothing less. Everyone keeps saying how beautiful it was, how amazing they looked. I noticed, too, it's just... My attention may have been elsewhere through most of the ceremony.

I had a difficult time looking away from Mel. The second I saw her in that dress, she was all I could think about. If she hadn't left T.J.'s room when she did, I may have made a fool of myself. Hell, I nearly did anyway. I couldn't tear my eyes off of her when she came to collect my parents for Lindsey.

She looked gorgeous in that dress, with her hair flowing freely around her face. I thought my heart stopped, and I'd gone to heaven, and she was my very own angel there to greet me.

That energy didn't leave after she left. I still felt the ache to be near her, the yearning to have her close. Maybe that's why I almost made an ass out of myself during the ring exchange.

I held Lindsey's ring for Chase, and since I was a bit distracted... I didn't exactly hear the part of the ceremony where the officiant announced it was time for the ring exchange. T.J. nudged my arm as everyone stared at me, waiting for me to hand Lindsey's ring to my future brother-in-law.

Thank goodness he did that; otherwise, it could have been much more awkward than it already was. What can I say? I was starstruck by a real-life angel standing across from me.

After I gave Chase the rings, I returned my attention to the person I most wanted to give it to. That's when I saw her looking back at me. Our eyes met as Chase and Lins started placing the rings on one another's fingers. Everything became background from then on. Nothing else seemed to matter but the woman staring back at me.

I got lost in her gaze. I probably still would be had she not broken the spell when the guests all started cheering for the newly announced Mr. and Mrs. Chase and Lindsey Smith. I tore my eyes from her just long enough to see the love and happiness in the now-married couple's eyes.

They're the lucky ones. Maybe someday I'll be lucky too.


Those of us in the wedding party took off after the ceremony to take photos while the rest of the guests made their way to the reception hall. After the photographer had everything he needed, we were free to enjoy the rest of the night.

We ate as family and friends made their way to the head table to congratulate the new husband and wife. It was hard not to notice the glow coming from them. They looked so happy. And the way they would stare at each other- that's proof that true love exists. I can't think of a better man to take care of my sister.

Once the dinner plates were cleared, it was time for the speeches. I let Tay go first, partly because it was the gentlemanly thing to do and because I hadn't memorized my speech. I forgot my written notes at home and thought I'd magically remember the words when it was my time to talk. Yet, I'm minutes away and still don't remember a thing I wrote down.

Yeah. I'm starting to sweat as I listen to Tay's speech.

"Hey, everyone. For those who don't know me, I'm Jenna Taylor, one of Lins and Chase's good friends. Like all of you, I'm so happy to be here celebrating this day with them. I've known Chase for several years, and for those out there who've known him at least as long, I'm sure you once thought this day would never come."

She pauses as the guests collectively chuckle. "But I'm so happy that this day is here. And we all have Lindsey to thank for that."

Tay smiles at Lins as she squeezes her hand. "From the moment I saw these two together, I knew they had something special. They were like magnets that refused to be separated. They've made it through so much to get here today, and I'm so proud of them. The two of you are a prime example of true love. Seeing you two so happy together warms my heart, and I know no matter what you go through, you will make it through together."

Tay stops to take a deep breath, looking close to tears. "So, I just want to say; I love you both so very much. I know you will have a long, happy marriage. And I expect to have lots of nieces and nephews in the near future!"

"I love you, guys." She leans in, giving Chase and Lins a hug as both women wipe tears from their eyes.

Oh crap! It's my turn. What am I supposed to say?

Tay hands me the microphone before taking her seat next to T.J. I take a second to try to drum up words that will do the lovebirds justice. "Hey, guys. I'm Liam Barnett, brother of the bride. I'll keep this short and sweet because I think Tay already said everything so eloquently."

I pause, trying to think of what I had written on my note sheet. I'm stuck, drawing a blank, looking like an idiot.

Then, I see Mel, watching me with kind eyes, waiting patiently for my next words. Suddenly, I'm inspired. "You know, Tay was right. None of us thought this day would come, but we're all thrilled it did."

I glance around the room before bringing my eyes back to Mel. "This day is proof that once you find the right person- the one that sets your world on fire, the one you can't stop thinking about- you give them a chance. You give love a chance, even if it's scary, even if things from the past make you hesitate. You don't know what's possible until you take the leap. If we're lucky, we'll be blessed like Chase and Lindsey have been. And that's something well worth the risk."

I see Mel's breathing hitch as I finish my speech. Then I hear someone start clapping, followed by several others.

I shake myself out of my daze and look over at my sister and best friend. "I love you both."

I set the microphone as Lindsey crashes into me with a hug that would rival our mother's. "I love you, big brother."

"I love you too, Lins."

Chase steps up, wrapping me in another hug as tears well in his eyes. "Thank you, man. That means a lot."

"You're welcome. Take good care of her."

He beams at me. "You know I will."

And just like that, I knew my sister would always be loved and protected. Movement to the side captured my attention- Mel. She was talking and laughing with Taylor. I smiled as the thought swirled in my head.

So will she. I'll make sure of it.  

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