23. Two Weeks to Help the Debate-mate

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TRIGGER WARNING: attempted assault; scenes with higher intensity, intimidation and aggression toward a woman (but without physical contact)

This day, not different from others in any significant way, was nothing like any day before.

For starters, it felt like I couldn't not notice Noah, no matter where he was. Even if there were crowds of people talking over each other, as soon as I heard the sound of his laughter, somewhere, my body tightened, head instinctively seeking out the source.

If I looked over a crowded hallway once the end of class bell rung, I could always tell where he was in a crowd.

It wasn't intentional, in fact I was increasingly more disturbed as time went on and my heightened awareness of him didn't lessen.

The thing that really made me worry though, wasn't just my newly acquired ability to notice Noah Archer almost exclusively. It was the fact that he seemed to notice me to. When my eyes settled on his towering figure in a crowd, his eyes met mine. When the sound of his voice made me instinctively seek him out, I could see him doing the same.

Almost as if we were playing some game of hide and seek, except there was no hiding, just seeking. Always.

There was just one class left before lunch. Since we'd started dating, Noah had spent only one lunch break with his group of friends, and I had a feeling today wasn't going to be one of those days. Nervous flutters wrecked my stomach.

Mel had already gone to her next class, stressing over an exam she had, so there was no one I could talk to and distract myself. My gaze searched the crowd again. Seeking.

Until a tall, familiar figure blocked my path. I looked up and found myself staring up into Jake's smiling face.

"Heya, Sky," he said, his smile widening. "How was your weekend?"

"Good, good, great, yup. Yours?" I asked and instantly regretted it. Not even a small part of me cared about how his weekend had been. That shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. If you'd asked me a few years ago, I would have told you there was no way I'd reach this level of indifference with him.

"It was pretty good. Could have used some better company though," he said, and winked at me. I frowned. Was he flirting with me? "Go on any dates?"

"Not exactly," I said, trying to peer around him at the crowd milling around the hallway. "Uh, I think I should be going though, Mr. Stewart hates when you're late. He'll have me in detention for a week."

Giving him a pleasant smile I started to make my way past him when he grabbed my arm.

"Wait, Sky, I need your help," Jake said, his face falling as he bit his lip.

"My help? With what exactly?" I frowned, tilting my head. It was a little suspicious that out of all the people he needed my help. Even more so that he kept running into me so often. Something felt off in my stomach.

"I got asked by Mrs. Brown, the chemistry teacher, if I could carry some equipment from the old science classroom. It's kind of a two man job," he said, scratching his head. "Or well, a man and woman job at least."

"Wait, isn't that classroom under repair? I heard a pipe burst."

"Yup, that's exactly why he needs some help transferring equipment to the new one. What do you say? Help me out?" He said, seemingly genuine. It made sense. The classroom became indisposed just a few weeks ago. Last I heard they'd planned on restarting classes this week.

"But why do you need my help? Can't one of your friends jump in and–"

"Marcus has an exam next class so he's doing some last second revisions and Bruno is, well, let's not talk about Bruno. He's... indisposed," Jake said, grimacing.

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