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"I believe in the innocent. I believe more is going on here than we can see. And I believe no one else cares to do anything about it. They will stand in the fire and complain that it is hot. Everyone knows I hate the order as much as anyone else. I hate that the vampires sit at their seats sipping bloodwine while their people starve and sever each other apart for the scraps. I hate that witches fight amongst themselves to prove strength while our numbers dwindle every day. I hate how shifters let their hierarchy fuel their motives because what's right is right and what's wrong will always be wrong. I hate how how fae hide away in their palaces eating pastries while their people starve and fight outside their walls. People have died in senseless conflicts over who gets to sit a these fancy chairs. Still, it's better to have them on your side than not. They're the real dogs, all of them, but even the primped and powdered ones have teeth."

- an excerpt from the journal of Erik Amaranthus

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