Chapter four

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Another meeting

Danielle stopped on more time moving her feet in a circular movement. Ugh we havnt even been walking that fucking much. I mentally groan then actually groan out loud. "Danielle, we need to keep moving." I tell her for like the hundredth time. We've stopped that much fucking times. I might be overexagarating but it fucking feels like that!

"I know Bel." She rolls her eyes. We have only been on our feet for just a day but I'm getting sick of Danielles shit. "I'm just not like you." She said with attitude coursing through her voice.

"Why do you keep getting snappy with me? Stop! I saved your ass multiple times i also keep putting up with your ass so be fucking grateful." I snapped at her. When I said grateful it reminded me of what my dad used to say to me. Just then I heard a noise in the trees and two undead came stumbling out of the forest. "I got these two." I pull out my knife but I notice there is something or someone behind the two undead. I took a step towards the undead when this guy came into view.

Just then I notice there are really worn down ropes around the undead's necks. The guy is holding the other end of the rope and is walking the undead like their horses. What the fuck? The guy clearly wasn't expecting to see people so he stumbled and lost hold of the rope. He tried to get the rope back into his grasp. This guy is such a dumbass. I run up to the undead and stab one in the head then I get the other in my grasp and do the same with that.

"Who the hell are you? Some kind of dumbass?" I snap at the stranger.

"Mierda! I had it handled, you didn't have to kill them!" he snaps back. The guy had a really powerful Spanish accent. I should have guessed he was Mexican with the color of his skin.

"Wow that's the thanks I get for saving you sorry ass?" I say sarcastically. "I could have left your ass to die but did I? Nope!"

"I had it handled. You didn't need to medal. I was going to get hold of the rope again." he tells me "you didn't need to kill my bitters."

"It looked like I did. You had them in your possession all fucking wrong. The best way you could have done it was to cut off their arms so they couldn't grab and cut off their jaws so they couldn't bite." I explain to the rather stupid looking mexican.

"And how do you expect one to do that?" He asked

"Like this." I grab the dead undead by the shoulder and unholster my katana. I swung my katana and cut the two arms off then I cut the jaw clean off. "You need to be good with your hands." I tell him after i'm done "And not to be a dumbass." I dropped the now cut up perfectly undead to the ground.

"Thanks for the lesson." he glares at me then he turns around and starts to head in the direction me and Danielle need to go.

Once he is a couple feet from me but still in earshot I say "Wow what a dick." Danielle comes up to me. She was inching ever so closer as me and that guy talked. "Why do I keep saving ungrateful assholes?" I ask Danielle she scoffs as she starts to go into a run to catch up with the guy. I caught up to Danielle before she could get close enough to get the guys attention. I grab Danielles arm and ask "What the hell are you doing?"

"We could use more people. To help us survive. That guy looks like he has some solid tactics." She explained. She got out of my grasp and advanced on the guy. I stayed back not worth the time. All Danielle likes to do is waste our time. Yeah, Danielles right we need more people to survive, because if we run into a bunch of undead we could survive easier but we can survive on our own way more easily. "Hey." I hear Danielle say. I watch as Danielle touches his arm.

The guy tenses and pulls a knife out of nowhere on her. He puts the knife on her neck and pushed her to a tree. I had no time to think I withdrew my gun and ran up to Danielle and the guy. I aim the gun at his head and cock it. He froze and he looked up from his knife towards me. He has a murderous glint in his eyes. "Put the knife down," I tell him. He doesn't move a muscle. I risk a glance and look at Danielle. She has her breath held. I look into her eyes and you can see fear radiating from them. I look back at the guy. "Put it down." I repeated

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