03|a tragic

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(Australia, 11pm)

Stirring, Thea held up the beautiful silver necklace that was her favorite. What she never chose to sell even though it was very expensive.

The shape of the moon adorned with diamond stared back at her.

"You are the moon and I am the sun, do you remember?" Ash said.

She was his moon. Was! She was pretty sure he hated her now. He was disgusted with her. She was sure that he wanted nothing to do with her now after that day. But everything was her fault.

Everything happened so much like a nightmare. If she had accepted that the child was his, then he would know that she went as far as working at a club to raise money for her mother's drugs. But she didn't want to take the risk.

Constantly, her mother reminded her that she didn't make the best decision that evening. She should have told Ashton the truth. But she was so concerned about what people thought about her. That she was only in a relationship with him because of his money.

She did infact say to the family that the child wasn't in fact his. She let Claire buy her off so easily. If she didn't, her mother would have been long gone. She couldn't have been selfish. So selfish as to let mother die and carry on living a fairytale fantasy.


Ash and Thea, were never meant to be. Things should have worked out for them if they were in fact good together, that was what Thea thought but no, things were quite the opposite.

"Tell everyone the truth Thea, tell them that Ashton isn't the owner of your baby," Claire said.

"Tell them!" Thea stared right into Ashton eyes. Tears that she never expected gathered in them. His fists were clenched in anger.

"Ashton...." Thea swallowed. "Is not the owner of this baby I'm carrying. This baby is not his own, it belongs to someone else."

"I knew it!" Claire blurted out but Thea didn't care. Her eyes were only pleading with the ones that held her heart. It was pleading to see through her act, but it didn't. Ashton walked out of the sitting room in anger and just then, she felt her heart crush.

Was that it? Was that how it ended? Tears slipped from her eyes knowing that she broke him. He would never forgive her. She should never have done this in the first place. She started after him but a grip pulled her back and she turned.

"What are you planning to do? Say something else that will break his heart over again? Do you even know what you have done Thea? You made the man that loves you a fool before every body," Thea shook her had frantically.

"I think you need to leave Thea." Mrs Ryder told her.

"I can't mom, I need to see Ash,"

"You can't see him again starting from now, now get out Thea!"

"Ash!" She screamed his name sobbing furiously. "Ash please you need to listen to me!"


"Ash please. I'm begging you, let me explain!"

"She needs to leave," Mr Ryder said before moving up the stairs, watching as they dragged Thea out of the house.


"Answer me Ashton, do you doubt that this is your child? Your flesh and blood, you doubt that it is yours?" Thea blurted out, holding his hands as tears began to build in her eyes.

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