As You Were

431 22 19

Scene 1: Addington High

Heather Blakely

"Tell me you're joining the event committee this year," Lisa pleaded.

"And step on Audrey's toes? I could never."

"Ugh," she leaned against the lockers. "I only ask because my film class has been putting together a movie and it would be amazing to have a senior field trip to a local movie theater and see it there."

"You love a camera, don't you?" I say, teasingly. And while we're laughing, I can't help but unfortunately notice the Leo and Elle brigade park themselves across the hall.

Everywhere I look, it's one of them. You'd think we were the only students attending this school.

If I pretend they don't exist, maybe I'll end up with tunnel vision.

"Would you be interested in going? I could start a petition."

"I'd sign it for sure, but you should simply suggest the trip to her. The committee is always looking for new ideas to counter the senior slump."

"Do other people propose ideas? I'm not sure I'd win against competition."

"I think there's a suggestion box that gets emptied into the shredder every month."

"So, I suppose it will be me going in the shredder this time."

"Don't say that." I playfully roll my eyes. "Pitch your idea to Audrey and tell her you'd love her help since she's so great and blah blah blah. Her ego is what will get you a green light."

She sighed. "I'm nervous."

"That's how she'd prefer it, but if-" By mistake, I glanced over, if only for a moment.

My eyes found his eyes on her. I'm used to it now, it isn't anything I haven't seen before.

And I know I've seen that before...

You do like her...

"If what?" Lisa questioned.

"I-" she waits for me to continue, and I try to regain my composure. "I'm sorry...I lost my train of thought."

"Can you put in a good word?" Lisa asked, and it was as if she was whispering because...I can't believe you actually like her. "Heather?"


"Are you okay?"

"Yes." I press my lips into a smile.

"You just disappeared..."

"I don't feel too well today...what were you saying?"

"Could you help me— with swaying Audrey?"

"I would, but I'd be the reason she rejected you...I set a small fire to that bridge recently."


Because I've been doing that a lot lately.

"I'm not sure."

Scene 2: Chester High (Locker Room)

Zach Teeling

The locker room smells like soap. It hardly ever does, I think people just rinse off if they sweat in gym. Plus, the soap smell doesn't stay too long after a shower— there's too much sweat and B.O. to overpower it.

"Oh...Hi..." I can feel my heart beating in my mouth. "I didn't think anyone would be in here."

"Is your class coming in?" Evan asked, standing with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his hair and all the way down. The locker room smells like you.

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