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I race over to the phone to see a picture of Raj and the groomsmen all wearing some type of wizard hat with purple stars popping off of it like three dimensional mockery of Divya's wedding plans.

"Don't worry, Divya," Carla says, pulling the phone out of her hand. "I'm sure it's just a silly picture meant as a joke. It's fine."

"Yeah, he's just teasing," Lorena adds.

"He should know me well enough to know that I wouldn't want to see that on my wedding day." Divya's almost hyperventilating at this point, so we make her sit down, the hairstylists following us and continuing to work. When they say they'll work through anything, they aren't kidding.

"Maybe someone else sent it from his phone," Lorena offers.

"Totally seems like a thing Tyrone would do," I add. Partially for her sake, but mostly because it is true. One of the many reasons his breaking it off with me was for the best, in the end.

"Oh God, that is totally something Tyrone would do," Carla agrees. "I'm sure it's just them being silly. Let's wait and see what they're wearing when we get there before we freak."

Divya doesn't seem convinced.

"What if I get Enrique to go over there and check up on them? Would that make you feel better?"

Divya nods almost imperceptibly, probably because two women are poking the back of her head with hundreds of hair pins.

"On it," I say, pulling my own phone out of my pocket and sending a quick text to Enrique.

Almost immediately, I receive his reply. I'm on my way over. Do you ladies need me to bring anything to you first?

"He's going to go make sure everything okay," I say to Divya, before telling Enrique we're fine.

Good to hear, is his reply. I'll see you at the wedding.

Yes, I'll see him at the wedding.

Except when we are finally dressed, hairstyled, and ready to go, Enrique is nowhere to be found.

Hey are you coming with us? I text him, delaying an extra few minutes pretending not to be able to find my shoe.

Carla bangs on the door and yells that we need to leave, just as Enrique's text comes in. No, I'm still busy. I'll see you there, though.

I waste no time running out of the room and into the limo waiting by the front door.

"Sorry. I found my shoe, though!" I say as I slide into the back seat, hoping they'll buy my excuse.

The conversation about bouquets and seating arrangements continues as though I didn't say anything at all, so I join in, telling Divya how beautiful her floral arrangements are as the limo pulls out into traffic and off toward Divya and Raj's almost elopement.

* * *

Divya's wedding is about to start and I cannot find Enrique anywhere. Which is weird given the whole plan was to stay together to look good at this wedding.

He was supposed to make such a good impression today that I'd want to stay with him for at least another week? Well, so far he is failing that. Hard.

A knot has firmly settled around me, making air hard to come by, but I'm trying to forget about how I'll look or what it all means, because Divya looks like she might lose her lunch.

I peek out from behind the silk curtain that hides us from the crowd. If you can call less than twenty people a crowd. The gathered friends and family all sit quietly talking to each other and Raj's eyes sparkle in the low light with a joy that is so whole and sincere I can't help but want to watch Divya marry him today.

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